Waking back to my room I slip on a light grey hoodie, black leggings, and my black and white sneakers. They look like converse but they're the cheap kinds. I got them the beginning of this school year begging my mom because the other ones I had for 4 years had started to give me blisters. She never got them for me considering half the time she could barely hold herself up, I ended up buying them myself. How you may ask. Well while walking around the park my father used to bring me to all the time I stumbled upon a twenty dollar bill stuck between the metal bars of the bench we used to sit on.

The stained torn up bag I call my backpack is thrown over my shoulder. Down the five steps in our house to the kitchen, I attempt not to wake my mother. I open the fridge and cabinets. Nothing.

A buzz then goes off from my flip phone and immediately I see it's from Nace, my best friend since forever. We met in the first grade. That day will forever be my favorite memory.

I was crying in the corner of the classroom because that day everyone's parents were there for field day, a day where all the kids and parents play games and have fun. I was the only kid whose parents hadn't shown up, well my mother. The giggling of children all around rang in my ears making me bury my head deeper in my arms.

Little Nace walked over with her hair in two pigtails and her princess dress. She always loved that costume and wore it all the time. She then asked me what was wrong.

"My mommy hates me, and my daddy is gone forever," I told Nace with tears streaming down my face.

"Well you can always borrow my mommy and daddy" She then grabbed my hand and that day seemed to be the best day of my life. Ever since then, we have been by each other's sides.


Hey im here come out nowwww :))))

I then walk out our door and see Nace's white Mercedes. Her family has money. I mean they are loaded. Her father owns some business and is always away on trips usually and her mother is a stay at home mom. But Nace was never one to let her wealth intervene with the way she acted. She is sweet and caring, she is not your usual 'rich girl'. She likes to bargain when it comes to shopping. At times she's bought me a few clothes because I looked "like I had just walked out of Baby Gap" as she put it. I mean, my clothes probably weren't as nice as Baby Gap but yeah. I guess you can say having a purple puppy on your t-shirt is not your usual 18-year-old attire.

"Hey girl," Nace says showing off her pearly white teeth. I smile.

"Hey," I say and close the door of the car. I put on my seatbelt, but before she starts to drive she raises an eyebrow at me.

"What? I at least put my hair in a braid!" I say giggling softly thinking she is questioning my hair again today.

She then hands me a breakfast bar sending me a knowing smile. Nace knows everything of my life, and yet she chooses to stay in it which I for one don't understand why.

"Oh. Thanks" I grab it and look down at my lap. She then starts driving off.

The window is down and her blonde hair seems to blow making her look like a model with her glistening tan skin. I would never envy her, she is my best friend. Even though she compliments me constantly, I know I would never compare to her. I mean the 'dead look' doesn't actually come naturally, you gotta really work for it. The hours of staying up from fear. The lack of food. Oh and don't forget about the beatings. I mean I worked hard for this look.

I shake my head slightly at myself. God Laylie what the hell are you thinking. My dry humor got the best of me again.

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