Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Hey mom, Esme again, I just wanted to see how you're doing...a simple text would be fine! We really need to talk about this, all of us...hope that family dinner's still on! Gotta go, bye." I left the fifth voicemail for my mom, hoping to get a response. She's probably crushed and thinks bad about herself, the last thing I want. It wasn't get fault she hadn't known, it was his. And now he's trying to bribe everyone with money for love. First he says he's paying for my whole trip AND moved it up to this summer, then he says he's buying Jack a new sports car and I'm sure he told his assistant to pick out a necklace or a bracelet for our mom. That's what irritated me. Money doesn't solve everything.

"The trail for Gabrielle Yeltsin will now resume in order." Judge Nathan declared. "Ms. Malik, when you're ready."

"I'd like to call Louis Tomlinson to stage." Mel said, with Louis already being escorted. She had told him that she wanted to question him after the recording David had from talking with those college boys was played. Thank god for iPhones. Or Steve Jobs. Well, thank god for putting Steve Jobs on this planet so he could create apple products.

"Your honor, thanks to that young man, David," Mel started, pointing at David. "picked up real eye opening evidence I think you'll love to hear with references to Samuel Williams, Freddy Morris and Brad Conner."


"Hey Brad." Louis voice played.

"Hey! Good thing you're not with that Niall kid, here he's in some serious shit." Brad said.

"Yeah? Haven't spoken to him since that night. But I think I heard that he's in jail right now. Don't know what for, though."

"Aha! Bet it was Williams and Morris. Heard they planted some journal in his house. They really don't want to get caught. Can't blame 'em, that's serious jail time." Brad laughed a little. "Right, can't blame them since they, you know." Louis said.

"Pushed her in that pool, yep. But hey, Niall has no chance of winning after that journal came in the play. Smart, Williams and Morris, hmm?"

"Right, we all know why they pushed her in. They're quite the smarties." Louis says.

"If only she agreed to have sex with them maybe she'd be here today. But what can I say, freshmen are all about waiting!" Brad chuckled.

"Yeah, true stuff!" Louis laughed with him. "So can you tell your buddy here to get out my spot?" Brad asked.


I've heard this one before, along with everyone in our group. Judge Nathan looked deep in thought, Gaby's folks looked like they'd seen a ghost and the lawyers there including my dad looked stressed.

"Well, if you must go on further, then do so. But I think you've proved well enough information for me the hear." Judge Nathan sighed, rubbing his temples. "Officer Brown, instead of hearing this boy summarize the recording again, take him to find the three boys who were referenced? They should've been mandated to come, they're obviously hiding something. Mr. Harris, is there anything you'd like to add here?"

My dad looked around the courtroom and shared words with Mr. Yeltsin before standing up. "We have no further information, your honor."

"Perfect." Judge Nathan nodded, holding his gavel tightly. "I hereby plea Niall Horan not guilty and released from any charges. Further more, Brad Conner will be questioned and Samuel Williams along with Freddy Morris are charged with the death of Gabrielle Yeltsin, case closed!"

Just hearing the gavel hit the sound block released butterflies in my stomach. He was free. My boyfriend was finally free and proven innocent. Of course he was, I just wished that would've realized that earlier.

I watched as his parents squished him in a hug, Maura planting kisses on his cheeks and forehead. The really had great love for him, and made it work even though they weren't together. The thought of my parents came to mind as I watched the family reunite. What if Jack and I went back to court, with our parents fighting for custody? I, of course wouldn't have to worry once I turn eighteen, but Jack. Of course I would want him to be with our mom, but if she went against my dad, the chances would run slim.

"I would think you would be tackling Niall by now, not staring into empty space." Zayn chuckled, nudging my shoulder. I looked back at Niall who was shaking the Yeltsin's hands and I smiled with watery eyes. Slowly, I made my way to him and watched him laugh at a joke I assume Mr. Yeltsin said.

"I really am sorry we doubt you, you were such a dear friend to us all! I hope this doesn't change you coming to visit us, the both of you." Mrs. Yeltsin beamed, before the both turned to leave.

"Baby," Niall huffed as I launched myself onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I love you so much." He whispered before he kissed me.

"I love you too." I mumbled, trying to catch my breath.

"WHOO!" Our friends screamed, circling around us before ruining our moment and centering us in a group hug. "Who got Niall out of jail!?" Matt screamed like he does during there football games."We did!" Everyone responded following with laughter.

"I think you're going to want to get out of that jumpsuit." Officer Brown smiled after we all broke the hug. "Yeah." Niall nodded at him. "I'll be back, Es." He kissed my forehead and followed Officer Brown back to the room.

"If he wasn't released I'd probably start a fight and loose my badge." Beau said, with full uniform. "You speak! And I think that was a complement, so thanks?" I laughed.

"It was. After watching you two of almost two weeks, I couldn't help but get caught up in your love for each other. I was so invested because I was in Niall's place once. I was falsely accused of robbing a convenience store, and I was in a committed relationship at the time. She was wonderful, I thought she was the one. But after two days of me being locked up, she bailed on me. I was devastated, but I got over her when I met my wife." Okay, this isn't Beau, this is his double who speaks.

"I bet your wife is better than that other girl who obviously didn't deserve you one bit." I told him.

"She is, and now she's pregnant with our first child. You're a good kid, Esme, don't loose that charm." He grinned down at me. "Thanks, hopefully I don't see you because that would mean I'm in some trouble, bye Beau." I waved at him and he chuckled.

"So we're all going to dinner for celebration!" Jett shouted. Before I could join the excitement my eyes catch Jack, flushed red with tears threatening to fall, as he talked on the phone. "Uh, I'm gonna pass." I mumbled, ignoring the odd looks as I walked to my brother.

"No, you can't just leave! Mom, please, stop!" Jack tried not to yell. "So you're leaving us with him!? It's like you're writing our death note! You're just giving up on us!?"

"Jack..." I started.

"You know what, fine, leave. Goodbye." He said with no emotion and hanging up. "She's leaving and going to grandma's. Because she can't handle being around him." He pointed at our dad.

"She just needs time to cool off." I tried to say.

"Well so do I." He replied before running out.

"What's wrong?" My dad and Niall said in unison.

"Mom left and he did too."

"Come on, sweetie," my dad said as he takes my arm. "let's go find him."

"No!" I snapped, pulling away from him. "YOU did this! Like I said, apologize a million times, you won't be forgiven so easily! I don't want to be in a empty house with you alone."

(A/N: Uh oh!


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Love you all!

Ox, Dee)

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