Chapter Three

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(A/N: Hey, so this chapter is all based on the past of Esme, Finely, and Matt. Disclaimer: Graphic. But enjoy!)


"Hey look! It's chubs!" Vanessa pointed at me. Chubs. That was my nickname. One of many, actually. And I thought I wasn't fat...

"Bet you're tired from giving free blow jobs to every boy in the school." Gaby snickered. "Yeah, we've gotta stay away or we'll catch her AIDS." Haley added.

"Why don't you shut up, you good for nothing bitches." Louis stood up for me. "He's just mad because he didn't get a blow job. It's okay, I'm sure Esme's good for another, right?" Gaby poked my shoulder. "Don't touch her you whore." Matthew swatted her hand away. "Awe, Matthew's helping you! Don't want those AIDS that she gave him." Vanessa giggled.

"Ignore them." Finely whispered. I tired to, but I couldn't. They continued to call me "Chubs" "Slut" "Diseased" etc. etc.

Finally the bell rang and everyone scattered. "Oops." Gaby said, knocking my glasses off and stepping in them. I bent down to pick up the pieces when my head collided with the desk. "My bad, you were in my way." Haley said with giggles in the background. I couldn't see anything as I stumbled out of the empty classroom. Louis, Matthew and Finely all had soccer practice so I had to walk home alone today.

The walk was horrible with the rain, my blurry vision and the constant pulling of my hair.

By the time I was home the rain mixed in with my tears and I let out a wail. "Oh Esme, stop being a big baby and get up!" My dad yelled, nudging my stomach with his foot.

"Esme Rose! Why did you cut your hair!" He screamed as I got up. "I-I didn't. Vanessa did." I said, feeling for my lop sided hair. His hand smashed my face and I was back on the floor. "Stop making lies, you're grounded!" He really kicked me this time before storming away. I laid there, doubled over in pain.

"Esme." A quite voice squealed. I looked up to see a blurry figure of a little boy. "Jack?" I asked. He handed me something and it felt like a pair of glasses, so I slid them on my face. He then helped me up and hugged me. "I believe you, Esme." He whispered. "JACK? JACK! Pick up these toys!" Our dad yelled making Jack run quickly away. Sighing, I made my way to my room.

Everyone hated me.

Even my own father.

I sat criss crossed on my bathtub, drawing lines on my wrist.

I don't deserve to be here.

Red spurred out and I allowed the water to take it away.

No one cares.

I'm ugly and useless.



All of my classes had at least one of those nasty bitches in it. They planned this, I knew it. The worst part was that they got better at there job, none of my friends had classes with me so I was even more alone.

Here I was, cornered in a empty school bathroom, being beat to death.

"You think it's over? You think we actually care?" Gaby sneered as she continued to duck my head in the toilet, with her hands clasped tightly on my hair.

She pulled me out of the stall and into a punch from Vanessa. "There you go you whore, stay on the floor where you belong." Haley laughed evilly, kicked me into a corner. "Now stay there you worthless piece of shit." Vanessa said, dusting off her hands.

And I did. I stayed there till I was all cried out.

"Esme, what the hell, you missed half of your classes!" Louis said after I tried to go home. He was clueless. I rolled my eyes and continued home.

The Kissing Booth (Niall Horan FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن