Chapter Thirty

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"Oh, you girls look flawless!" My mom gushed as I continued to braiding Fin's long blonde hair into a fish tail braid. "Thanks." Fin smiled, pleased with the outcome of my braid. I really wish Taylor and Whinny could've come over so it'd be more fun, but I wasn't supposed to be seen with them. None of us were. This only altered the plan of a limo, because if we rode together, it'd be a total give away. I hated this sneaky crap and I just can't wait till it's over. The trial was next Tuesday, purposely scheduled during school hours, and my nerves were kicking in. I tired to hold them back because today was meant to be exciting and fun.

"Zayn's gonna be thanking me later tonight." I winked at my best friend, trying to remove myself from my thoughts. "Oh hush!" She slapped my arm making me glare back at her. "Hit me again and I'll make sure you look like a clown."

"Gosh," Fin sighed, breaking a good length of silence. "I can't remember the last time we did each others hair and makeup."

"Sixth grade in your tree house. Then Max threatened to tell your mom that we stole her makeup if we didn't play man hunt with him." I laughed, referring to one of Fin's older brothers. "And then we used my hose to watch it all off but it ran down our face instead!" She joined.

"I can't believe we'll be in college in just a few months." I whispered, adding finishing touches.

"It's scary how fast we grew up, but I'm excited for the future." She grinned.

I was too, actually. I had everything planned to a tea. Niall and I would head to NYU for a semester, then do some traveling before coming back to New York, maybe even moving to Ireland. By the time I finish traveling everywhere I want to see I'm sure we'll be old enough to move in together and the thought already excites me.

"Presto." I said as we both admired my completion. "That's hun. I'll see you there?" She questioned even though of course my answer was, "Duh! I'll see you there silly."

She rolled her eyes as she left my room with me laughing.

My dress was hung up on my door and stared it down as I began curling my hair. It was black like Fin's, because guess who picked it out? Her, of course with okay's from both Whinny and Taylor. It was really over the top like Whinny, classy like Taylor and not overly girly like Fin. Once they saw me in it they immediately ran to the cashier with it, before I could even get out of it might I add.

If you told be months ago that I'd have two new girl friends, completely opposite from me, I'd say you're on meth. But we were so different it made us closer. Fin and I could finally have a girl day with the four of us. I hope we all stay in touch after high school, I made a great group of friends, even better than the old one.


From: Harrrrrrry

U ready? I think ur mom is tryin to show me baby pics I don't need a naked baby Esme image thanks

I laughed, grabbing my clutch and fixing my curls once again. It was in a cute, messyish bun with loose curls everywhere. Prom started half an hour ago and everyone was texting us, thinking we bailed. We should though. What can I say? Fashionably late!

"MY BABY LOOKS SO ADORABLE!" My mom screamed, making me jump and almost loose balance. Texting, walking down stairs and being screamed at us not a good combination.

"Thanks girl." I said, flipping my hair and sticking my phone back in my clutch. Jack gave me a "you're wearing that?" look before giving Harry, who had his mouth opened as he stared at me, or my boobs, the "I'll kill you" look.

Being me I stick my finger in Harry's mouth right as a camera flashes, making him snap out of his day dream.

"Fuck you." He whispered with his eyes squinted.

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