Chapter Twenty-Six

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Fin's POV

This place was breath taking. Of course I was completely drowsy and it was quite early in England. We were heading to central London where Zayn's aunt lived and worked and the drive was a fair twenty minutes. After being so hyped on nerves of how this trip would turn out, it was actually nice. On the plane, that is. But after getting the taxi, Zayn immediately passed out on my lap. He was such an adorable sleeper. My phone buzzed and I quickly scrambled for it before Zayn could wake.

From: Esme<3

To: Esme<3
Nooo we died sorry boo.

From: Esme<3
Jesus u scared the poo outta me!!!! It's 1am and I couldn't sleep WITH BOTH OF MY BEST FRIENDS IN A DIFF COUNTRY

To: Esme<3
Thank god for iMessage hmm? Ha, we r fine Es! Zayns asleep just in case u tried to text him's so breath taking here!!! I wonder if he plans on comin back...

From: Esme<3
Yea!! & he does wanna come back with his fam

From: Esme<3
I mean...idk

To: Esme<3
Its ok if u know Id be shocked if ya didnt lol we reached his aunts so I'll text u what happens later!!! Love u girlie

From: Esme<3
Lol good! & Okie dokay love ya toooo both u and zayn (:

"Tell her I love her too." Zayn's husky mumbles came out of no where and made me jump. He chuckled as he sat up and I quickly texted what he told me too. "Fuck Zayn!" I laughed with him. He just continued to laugh as he fixed his hair and dug out his wallet. The driver was already out, retrieving the two small bags we fit clothes in for only two days. You're probably wondering why the hell my parent's would be so chilled with me going to a different continent with my boyfriend, but obviously they got the bullshit story of me visiting my eldest brother and his wife upstate. Being the amazing older brother he is, he played along with it. Zayn on the other hand, didn't have to lie. His mom thinks it's really sweet to help Niall and thank The Lord she likes me too! She couldn't stop hugging me and saying I brought out the best in him. I wonder if Esme's met her..? No Fin, stop! Stop comparing everything to Esme.

"Ready?" Zayn whispered as we stood retardedly in front of the house door. I nodded and knocked on the door slightly as Zayn rang the bell. Duh, there was a doorbell, stupid Fin moment.

"Hello?" A sweet British voice called with the small peek of the door. "Zayn sweetie? Is that you!?"

"Aunt Mel!" He said with a cheesy smile as they hugged. "Aunt Mel, this is my amazing girlfriend, Finely."

"Hello Finely, call me Mel." She smiled to me before hugging me too. "And call me Fin." I smiled back. "Well Fin, you are very pretty." She complemented me with her perfect smile still shining. "You too! I love your shoes!" I said in awe of her stilettos. Any girl who can slap on some causal makeup, perfect hair, decent outfit and stilettos is a friggin' superhero in my book.

"Okay, before you two gossip about the latest shoes out, we need to get to business." Zayn said as he clasped his hands together. "And I see you've packed a suitcase already?"

"Well if my nephew and his girlfriend flew all the way here, they would surely persuade me." She rose her eyebrows, walking in to her kitchen. "Coffee seems much needed, hm?"

I smiled in thanks as she sat the cup of steaming coffee in front of me and one with Zayn, keeping the last to herself. Her words sunk in and realization hit me, and I'm sure Zayn. We didn't counter up and arguments to show Mel she should go out her way and help Niall. "I go it!" I think aloud, pulling my phone out. The Malik's exchanged looks as I typed away.

"Whaaaaat do you want? I swore I mentioned it being one in the fucking morning here!" Esme whined after answering my FaceTime call. "Esme, this is Mel, Zayn's aunt the lawyer?" I said as I Mel waved at my phone. "Shit, sorry Miss. Malik." Esme mumbled whilst still cursing. "It's okay! And call me Mel. So who's this Esme?" Mel asked.

"I'm Niall's girlfriend." Esme answered, rubbing her eyes. "Oh! Okay, so she's going to persuade me?" Mel said with a bit of amusement. She's probably wondering why Esme didn't come and I did because I'm wondering the exact thing.

"If you want persuasion I'll tell you my boyfriend is completely innocent with sufficient evidence proving that he is! I won't sit here and ramble on how amazing and bright he is, because that's what anyone is going to do. I'm sure those two were planning on doing that. But they aren't dating Niall. They don't watch him strum his guitar with a care free smile while humming Ed lyrics. They never crammed for there American History exam on Sundays with him. They haven't watched him play soccer with pure joy and happiness. They never had to watch the person they had incredible feelings for break before there eyes as they spilt there deepest secrets and thoughts looking for them for comfort. And I know you're wondering, what the hell does this have to do with a murder case, well, it has a lot. If he truly killed Gaby, he wouldn't have visited Vanessa and Haley, Gaby's best friends, every chance he got and not feel guilty. If he truly killed Gaby, he wouldn't have that beautiful care free smile, he wouldn't have the mind to cram for an exam and he wouldn't be able to focus on his passion for soccer. He's innocent and all I'm asking is for your help to get my boyfriend back. To get my care free, silly, corny, adorably lovable boyfriend back." Esme ranted with bright eyes as though she had the best nap in the world, which we know, is not the truth.

I quickly wiped my eye from the stray tear that fought it's way out as Zayn kept his face down wiping away. Mel looked like she was watching The Notebook with a tissue dabbing at her eye lids and a puffy red nose to prove her sadness. The only one who kept there cool was Esme who fiddled with a loose section of hair, staring intently at Mel.

"Yes." Mel croaked which caused everyone to look up at her. "I'll go, okay? Get your sleep sweetie."

"Thank you so fucking much, it means the world to me!" Esme cursed yet again before ending the call. Hey, never wake a sleeping Esme.

"She's quite a wise character." Mel grinned with a small laugh. "Very. She can be a crazy dork but an amazing speaker. The words always flow right with her." Zayn commented. "Because she was such a lost voice before that she has more to say than the rest of us." I added before sipping my coffee.

"Well I'm glad she found it. Her voice. It can do wonders." Mel said with a lot of thought.


Esme's POV

"Jack? You texted?" I yelled as I stomped up the stairs to his room. I woke up just in time for lunch since the late night calls with Britain and all, so I was spending my Saturday lagging around. "Yeah, I got something you should see." He mumbled, placing a sticky note in my hand.

"Why." I started but stopped to look at the number again. "Why do you have Niall's mother's number?"

"I thought her name Claris?" He questioned. "Ew, no. That's his stepmom. Maura is his birth mother who lives in Ireland hence the odd area code." I explained. "Oh. Well, Fin found it on dad's desk. Do you know why he'd have it?" He asked. "No, but I should talk to Bobby before calling it. Just to make sure the numbers real." I said, folding the small paper. "And what are you going to say? You found it lying around?" Jack rolled his eyes.

"Or I can say I saw it in his home office and knew Niall's mother's name is Maura and wanted to know if it was her real number, duh." I rolled my eyes back. "Do you wanna come with me?"

"Er, I have a...thing." He lied. "A thing?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "A date, now you can leave." He said, trying to push me out. "A DATE! OH MY GOSH, DO I KNOW HER? DOES SHE GO TO SCHOOL WITH US?" I practically screamed. "Esme, come on, just go to-"

"TELL ME NOW OR I'LL REALLY SCREAM." I demanded. "Okay! Her names Annabelle and yeah, she goes to our school." He sighed. "Annabelle...that small blonde freshmen? She complemented me earlier! Was she trying to kiss up to me? Huh, some nerve." I thought out loud. "Don't ever speak to her ever, okay? I don't want this is get ruined!" He pleaded with big eyes.

"Fine. It's the least I could do for your help." I shrugged. "So if you need me I'm first going to Bobby's with Taylor, Louis, and Harry who's picking me up in like twenty minutes then I'm going to see Niall wise they shop, then we're all going for dinner."

"Alright, I'm staying here till seven and then I'm leaving for my date." He nodded. "Have safe fun!" I smirked as I skipped to my room to get dressed. I decided on a teal skater skirt, black crop top, black combat boots, and my teal beanie to control the mess of hair.

From: Harrrrrrry
We r outside!!! You should really close your window miss but I must say I like that bra (;

I scolded him even though he probably couldn't see as I stepped out if my house and ran towards Louis' car. Both my parent's were at work and wouldn't be home till eight so Jack and I said we would be out shopping and then go for dinner today to get them off our backs. They can't expect for us not to see our friends, come on.

"Hey Louis and Taylor!" I said with a smile as I buckled my seat belt. "Mr. Perv." I glared at Harry who was dying with laughter. "Sup lace bra." He cackled. I punched his shoulder, obviously with no effect. "So tell me why we're going to Niall's dad?" Louis asked, drawing my attention away from Harry.

"Fin and Jack found this number on my dad's desk that I think belongs to Niall's real mom, so I just have to make sure it's really hers." I answered, digging the number out of my pocket.
"Can we play normal teenagers for today? I wanna get some more shirts!" Harry whined making me feel a tad guilty even though he was joking.

"Really, because we all know you need more white t-shirts." Taylor shook her head. "Shut up Nancy Drew." Harry shot back and earned a slap on the head from me. "Thank you, Esme. He's such a retard sometimes." Taylor laughed. "Sometimes?" I joined her laugh. "Really?" Harry pouted. "Oh shucks, you know we're playing with you!" I pinched his cheeks but he swatted my hands away.

"Are you guys done? We're here." Louis glared back at us. "Wow, that was fast." I mumbled, watching Niall's house. "I'll go with you, you guys stay here." Harry stated after sobering up from his immature act. We all agreed and Harry and I got out of the car, and walked towards the door.

I rang the bell and the two of us waited for a response. Seconds later, the door opens to the familiar scary tall lady.

Crap, not again.

"Hello. Esme, correct?" Claris smiled sharply. "Yes, and I'm Harry. We were actually looking for Bobby?" Harry answered unfazed by her appearance. "He might be out back in the garden, I'll lead you there." She opened the door wider for us to enter. I followed closely to Harry as possible as she led us to Bobby.

"He's right there." She pointed over to the man bent over. Harry walked out first with me following quickly behind. "Oh dear Esme, stay here! I would like a word."

I looked back at her creepy smile them two Harry who nodded for me, taking the sticky note from my hand sneakily before walking closer to Bobby. I gulped as I walked back into the kitchen with Claris. Okay Esme, look for an escape.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked. "We're leaving soon." I shook my head "no."

"Oh, no! I was hoping you'd stay a while. I guess I'll have to cut to the chase." She laughed, walking closer to me. "What did he tell you?"

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow at her question.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me you stupid girl! What. Did. Niall. Tell. You?" She said us slower.

Something came over me, some secret pride that I hid away, when I said, "You mean did he tell me that you're a crazy woman who finds it amusing to abuse little boys."



Hey guys it's been awhile! My laptops been crap so I had to update on my phone recently :( but IF YOU GIYS COMENT NOW I'LL BE ABLE TO GET DEDICATIONS DONE! :D













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Lotsa love,
Ox, Dee)

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