Chapter One

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"ESME AND MATTHEW-" The bell interrupted Mrs. Samuel, making us laugh as we ran out of the classroom. "I could here Samuel screaming from down the hall, you two!" David laughed with us. "Yeah, I'm expecting some three paged essay on some novel tomorrow." I wiped my happy tears. "Ah, I got that for ya." Matt sighed, throwing his arm around my neck as we entered the cafe. I bet you just call it a lunch room, but since ours was so big that it was both in and outdoors, we referred to it as our cafe. Our food choices were actually pretty amazing. Burgers, pizza, wraps, Chinese, you name it.

"Fin!" I screamed at my only girl best friend. "Essie!" She screamed back as I took my seat. "Why can't you have normal girl names like Rebecca and Kim." West teased. "Who the hell is named Rebecca and Kim." Finley said, emotionless. "There's like two Rebecca's in the twelfth grade." Jett laughed. "Do we talk to them, no. So they don't count." I rolled my eyes at the stupid boys.

Matt, West (Wesley), Jett, David, Lucas, Finley and I were like a pack. The seven musketeers! Ok, corny, I know. But we were all best of friends starting from tenth grade, where now we choose everything with seven, have weekly sleepovers but they like to call them "chill days" and do almost everything together. Like guy stuff usually involves the five of them even though they sometimes forget our boobs, and girl stuff is done with Finley even though we usually force them to do some of it. To top it off the guys were all apart of the football team. Pretty much the only seniors playing since the rest of the team were either tenth or eleventh.

"Harris, if you continue staring like that I'm sure your eyes will burst." Lucas chuckled. I glared at him, focusing back on my food. So I had a tendency to wander off on Niall, AND?

"Imagining the kissing booth with him, huh?" Jett winked. "Oh shut up, I think it's cute, Essie." Finley defended me. "And I think you need to get over that retard! It's been four years, Esme, come on." David said.

"How about Malik? Girls seem to go gaga over him." West pointed to the sex on legs guy. "Zayn is the definition of incredible sex, who can't find him attractive." Finley sighed and got a slap on the arm from her boyfriend Lucas. They were the prized couple since high school started.

"Isn't he like hook ups and dumps? I don't want that. Plus, his taste is like, super model hot." I shook my head. "Yeah, but boy can he sing." Finely looked like she was in a daydream.

"And how about Chloe, hot piece of ass." Lucas said, totally jealous. "Okay, you see there, you referred to her as a 'hot piece of ass', why couldn't have been that super hot girl or something?" Finley argued. "Plus she's got brains." David added.

"She's also Harry's girlfriend." I also added, making everyone turn to the soccer jock table. Harry was co-captain along with Louis.

"Louis' girl is a hot piece--" Jett started to say before Fin and I glared at him. "I mean, Louis' girlfriend Taylor, is really hot too."

"Humph, that retard." Matt grumbled. "Matty, stop hating on him!" I yelled across the table. "How could I not? You should be the last person to stand up for him!" He yelled back.

"TOPIC SWITCH!" David called out. "So Esme's tonight? Lucas, make sure your mom makes those buffalo wings!" West said. "Duh, Essie and Jett devoured them last week." Lucas laughed. "There jealous because we're bad bitches, Jett." I said through chews.

"Hey, we went to Esme's two weeks ago! It was my turn." David pouted. "Essie's place is huge though." Jett remarked. "And we've gotta get up early tomorrow to start our duck booth." Matt joined in after cooling down. "Ring toss, and my house isn't that big." I responded.

"Let's just ask your big shot dad about that one." Finley joked. "HE'S A LAWYER, BIG WHOOP." I exaggerated. "A lawyer for famous people! Like damn, he's getting money off of Lindsay Lohan." Lucas snickered. "Yeah, that explains why the fucker's never home." I muttered. Queue silence.

"TOPIC SWITCH!" Finley called for. "I heard Mrs. Frank is making all seniors participate in that musical crap." Jett spoke up. "You heard right, Cassie told her it would be a good idea if we all do something to get active in the last concert for us so principle Johnson made it mandatory." Liam popped out of no where. Liam Payne. That boy did EVERYTHING. But football. Because he didn't want to be injured for track meets and rugby matches. He did debate, glee, chess, and art club, plus student body president. Super social and super attractive. Boy gets them hoes.

"Cassie wants to get punched. Esme, get on that." West said. "Esme's to nice for that." Liam patted my head. "Huh, sure." David whispered. "You should hang with us some time, Li." Finley offered. "Ha, and intrude the seven jockateers? It's okay, I like your clique but I don't stick to small groups." He laughed slightly. "Seven jockateers. I like it. Make room for it on the year book!" Matt said to him since he was head of the year book committee. "Of course. Well see you guys later." And with that he was gone.

"Since when were Fin and I jocks? Racist." I protested. "I guess being lazy asses is a new sport." Fin shrugged. "Competitive too." West nodded.

"Hey Tay." Matt winked at Taylor McPen, Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend. "Eyes up, Smith." Louis smiled harshly, wrapping his arms around Taylor. She wasn't some bimbo slut, so I knew there was no chance of that happening. Following behind her and Louis was Harry and Chloe, Kyle, Liam and Niall. Ughhhhh, that boy made butterflies tickle my stomach.

The bell rang and that queued us to scatter for last period.


I hated Chemistry. Maybe that's why I failed it last year....DON'T LAUGH.

And guess who my lab partner was, ha.

"250 mL, right Zayn?" I asked the mysterious boy. Now he made me insecure. Maybe as much as Niall. Yeah, he was that hot. Even better, the guy had a thick genuine British accent. So he appealed to New Yorkers even more.

"Yeah, that's good." He nodded. Oh yeah, that's good, mhm. I'M SO CREEPY.

Whaaaaat, Mr. Daniels JUST moved me from Jett because 'we disturbed the lab', so I was new to Zayn's presence. Girls that look hot and knew it dared to talk to him. Yeah, THAT HOT.

He watched me, literally full on, as I poured 250 mL of water into the beaker. I caught his stare and made a silly face. Really Esme, really?

Ohmygod he's laughing. I made Zayn Malik laugh!

"You're so cute, Esme." He chuckled. ...I'm so....

I was red, I could feel it.

"Awe, you're blushing! Even cuter." He squeezed my cheek. Gah!

The bell rang and I mentally sighed a relief. I'd probably would've said something retarded like "No you're cuter like cuter than puppies."

"So I'm running the kissing booth, hope I see you there babe." He winked at me and I swear my panties dropped.

(A/N: HIYA BABY CAKES! Sooo I'm thinking about deleting my other story, Loved You First because I've had a major writers block. Like, I have no idea what to right next. Sooo to my 12 reads on Loved You First, if you're reading this COMMENT AS TO WHICH ONE YOU WANT ME TO CONTINUE. If you want I'll even continue both! JUST COMMENT.

And vote.

And share.

Thank you so much <3

Ox Dee

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