My father had an expression I never thought he would have; he smirked. "Ah, she has gotten to the right age." 

Now I was confused, "where did that come from?" 

My parents sat me on my bed and started the story. 'There comes a time when you turn a teenager and your mate's markings will show up. Although, unlike most werewolves you will not be able to transform into a werewolf because you are not one hundred percent werewolf. You are half werewolf and half human. You will only have some features appear like your fangs. Your great grandfather was a werewolf, but over the years the gene has gone away because humans were mixed into the pot of our family." 

I was in shock, they knew and never told me about our family's past. What was I to say? "Oh great, I wanted  to turn into a furry monster."  That was a start. 

"I know honey, we will give you some time to think about this." My mother patted my cheek and walked out of the room with my father trailing after her. 


I woke up without my alarm this morning because the weekend was calling my name. Ahh, Saturday! 

The thoughts were clearly processed about yesterday in my mind so I had some space to breathe. I threw the covers over my head and opened the curtain, allowing the sun to warm my skin. My feet took me to the bathroom, where I took a shower and then dried myself. My hair smelled of green apples as I wrapped it into a bun.  I pulled on a tank top and a Capri and opened my door to a noisy life. 

My older brother was walking around with his shirt off and my little brother still had on his PJ's; I felt like the only person decently dressed around here. Everyone had already had breakfast so I quickly ate a bowl of cereal, yes I am the only one who wakes up late in my family.  

My mother and father had gathered all of us kids at the kitchen table so they could speak to us about something. What did we do now?

"Okay kids, we have all decided that your father and I are going on an over night stay." 

My brother sighed, "yea, WE have, anyway I have a study group tonight with my friends so Sandra will have to watch Jacob." 

My father furrowed his eyebrows. "We had never heard of you going anywhere tonight. Well as long as it is for a good cause you can go. Sandra can I trust you with Jacob?"

What else was I supposed to say, "sure dad, we can hang tonight." I rubbed Jacob's hair. 

My father smiled and put his arm around mom, "well then we must say our goodbyes." 

Okay, that was soon. "Bye mom, bye dad!" I hugged them both and watched them walk out of the house. 

"I am going to leave early so you two have fun." My older brother called after us as he went to gather his things and get a shirt. 

I turned to my excited brother. "So what do you want to do today, Jacob?" 

He chewed on the thought. "to the park to play adventurer."

"Okay off to the park we go, after you change." 


Jacob and I parked our bikes by a tree in the green park. The perfect summer day was here, birds were flying and children were throwing Frisbees and balls. 

I was new to the area and the park so Jacob and I set off into the woods and were eventually thick into the Pennsylvanian forest. "Jacob let's build a fort so we can start playing "house." 

I found a flat area where a fort would go perfectly and we then spent the next hour building a tree fort. 

"Complete." Jacob and I looked at the 'building' in front of us, it actually was not bad. We crawled into the fort and immediately felt safe underneath the canopy of the leaves. 

"Come on we need to go adventure!" Jacob pulled me out of the hut into the exposed environment. 

The sound of woodpeckers echoed in the distance and the sun rays peeked in the thick foliage of the forest. I took a breath of the clean air as Jacob dragged me somewhere. 

My eyes opened to a slow moving, shallow river in front of me. A tree had fallen creating a bridge in the river so we could cross. I moved Jacob aside and hopped on the fallen tree. "Careful sir, under our feet is the most dangerous lava ever seen in man kind. We need to cross this bridge without falling in or we will die." I put on my most manly voice. 

Jacob gasped, "okay sir, I will cross this in order to save the princess." 

I stepped off the tree and allowed him to pass me. The little boy in front of me had transformed his world into an intense game; he needed to save the princess. "Okay prince I will be right behind you all the way, just don't look down." 

I imagined the shallow river under me to be a huge pit of lava, the wind was picking up so my balance was much harder to keep. The trees in front of me transformed into a huge castle that was now opening itself up to Jacob; he made it across. I was still crossing the precarious bridge when I looked next to the castle to see a wolf hiding. 

The wolf looked at me with its brown eyes and light brown coat; I kept a close watch on it, making sure it was not in my mind games. 

"I rescued the princess! I did it!" I looked over to Jacob with a wonderful princess in his arms, she had on a purple dress and a tall pointed hat. 

I looked back over to the werewolf still staring at the two of us. "Good job Prince, you rescued the princess!" I turned again to face my smiling brother. 

I took a careful step towards the Prince, but I slipped on a broken piece in the bridge and landed in the lava. 

The cold water shook me out of my childish imagination and I realized where I was; I was soaking wet in the river. I looked at Jacob with a log in his hand and smiled at the so called 'princess'. "Oh no, I am dying." I faked a death in the water. 

Jacob climbed into the water and stood next to me, "maybe you where the one I had to rescue all along." 

I opened my eyes and he was serious. I started splashing him with cold water, "you are too kind sir." 

We got in a water war and started running in the clear-watered river. I faced the area where I saw the wolf and noticed that he wasn't there, oh well, it was probably my weird imagination.

After the two of us were soaking wet, we decided to go back to the park to get our bikes. 

"I think I would make a fine Prince." Jacob swung his arms. 

I grabbed my bike and got on. "You would make a great Prince. You are brave as it is." 

The two of us biked home, making a path on the sidewalk with our water droplets. "So why don't we go home and I make some sugar cookies?" 

"I'll take that. Race you home?" Jacob sped past me on his bike and I followed after him, not going to fast, so he would win. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello peeps, I wanted to give you more info on Sandra so I wrote a longer chapter. Plus, I needed to bring out her real side and show you guys who she really is. 

By the way, the italics in this chapter represent her 'make believe world.' Good job if you figured that out by yourself. 

Did anyone ever play, 'house' or 'adventurer,' when they were little? 

If anyone was wondering what the 2010 Barbie looked like look to the right. ---->It's Nancy!

Okay, so I am slowly going to get you people not to hate Sandra as much and this is the start. (She is different at home) 

Well thanks for reading, you guys are great, vote and comment if you liked the chapter. 

Sarah :)

School Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें