Nutty made a loud snoring sound.

The class except for me sneakered.

Michael turned around and stared at him.

The whole class went silent.

"Nutty wake up man."
Miri whispered to him and tried to tap him.

"What man?" Nutty lifted his head up irritated and looked around.

"No don't wake him. let's wait on him to finish his rest. Wouldn't want to disturb him. Maybe we should all put our heads on the desk like we're in pre-school." Michael leaned against the desk with his arms folded facing Nutty.

"My bad." Nutty looked around embarrassed.

"You were in a deep sleep, that must mean you were well prepared for class. Am I right?"

"Uh..." Nutty said indicating he wasn't.

"Come up here." Michael said still looking at him.

Oh god. I mentally slapped my forehead as Nutty came up to the front. This wasn't going to end well.

"What's your name?"


"Darius, what is the quote from
Which our first speeches will be written?"

"Uhh..." Nutty laughed awkwardly. He looked at Miri, Miri didn't know.

"I didn't ask your friend I asked you." Michael said.

"Uh...I'm sorry I don't know, I had ROTC this morning so I didn't get to read the online assignment."

"Can anybody help your classmate out?" He looked across the class.

Nobody raised their hand. I guess because of what happened, most were scared. This was after all our first college class ever.

"So none of you know? You all came to college thinking its a joke? Thinking I get paid to not only teach you, but babysit you?"

The class was silent.

"Fine then everybody leave."

"I know." I spoke up. I knew if we were dismissed that would mean an F for the day.

Michael looked back at me.

"Do you know or are you going to take a guess? I don't want my time wasted. So if you're going to waste it, just..."

"No I know." I cut him off from his rant.

"Come up here." Michael said.

I nervously walked to the front.

"Don't look at me. Look at the class." He told me as I faced him.

I nervously turned to face the class.

"Tell them your name."


"No last name?"

Alsina's BoysWhere stories live. Discover now