Chapter 15

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Special thanks goes to Nedume for the new awesome cover :)

“Set Fire to the Rain”

2011 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 15

Amari glanced up from the magazine that she was currently looking at when a loud ruckus broke out at the front gate.  Four soldiers had walked in, half pushing and half dragging a young girl who was bravely fighting them all the entire way.

What struck her odd was the fact that the young girl that they were manhandling was not one of them, she wasn‘t a Lyric. 

She was an ordinary human and she wondered why in the world they would bring her here, to the facility that they so stringently guarded as their own private secret struck Amari as odd.  In all the years that she had been held as a prisoner of the Secret Service, she had never seen them take a human captive.

So why now?  What is so special about this particular human?

Amari stood and went to the window of her cell like room.  Walls of bleak white surrounded her.  Her possessions include a single bed, a measly blanket, a wooden chair, three uniforms and a copy of Vogue magazine dated back to 1993. 

But what intrigued her the most at the current moment was the young girl, scrapping like a wild cat in the hall. 

She was young, eighteen maybe, the same age that her precious Hope would be right now.  Seeing that girl brought back many buried memories and struck a pang of longing in Amari.  Longing to someday see her baby girl again but yet, knowing that she never would.

Amari had done what she set out to accomplish when Hope was born.  She got her baby out of the system and now she was out there in the world, hidden from these ruthless men that make her life an everyday hell.  She was living a normal life, a happy life like any other normal eighteen year old should. 

Amari winced, when one of the younger soldiers reared back and smacked the young human across her face. She felt protective over the young girl and swore that if she ever found a way to escape this damn hell hole again, she would make them pay. She would make them all pay for stripping her and everyone else that they held captive in this place of the last vestiges of their humanity.

It wasn’t right.  The greedy son’s of bitches were only after one thing.  Power.  Power that didn’t belong to them.

Amari splayed her right hand over the cool window as she silently rooted for the young human and with the other, she fingered the collar that had become the bane of her existence.  The collar that let the maggots control her. 

She tensed when the young girl stomped her foot and yelled something back at the younger solider.  Something that must have been insulting because even from the clinical room that she was condined to, she could see the angry lines drawn on his face as he stared blankly back at her. 

A second later, he drew back a fist and slammed it into her face.  The sound of cracking bones echoed in her own ears and she had no doubts that the solider had broken the young girls nose. 

The young girl fell into a slump on the floor, she never even had a chance.

A growl bubbled up from Amari’s chest as she watched the soldiers laugh humorously and then continue to drag the young girl that had been so callously knocked out into the inquisition room.

They were going to pay, God as her witness…. Those soldiers would pay dearly for every sin that they ever committed against both man and Lyrics alike.  She would make sure of that, even if it was the last thing that she ever did, they would pay.

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