These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 21

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    Ding dong.

    Cole's front door rang.

    I broke our kiss and he sighed. I smiled sadly at him.

    "I guess it's time for me to go," I said.

    "You don't have to," he murmured, tightening his grip around my waist.

    I pecked him on the lips. "I wish I didn't have to," I said. "It's only four days," I added, faux-optimistically.

    "That's too long," he disagreed.

     I kissed him again, not breaking it this time.

    Cole and I had been together for three weeks now, and we were nearly inseparable. My friends had to force me to do things with them and only them, and the rest of the time I was with Cole. I still ate lunch with my friends… Cole just ate with us. I felt like my feelings for him were growing- growing bigger than anything I’d felt before. I hadn’t told anybody yet though.

    Everything else had been better, too. Ashleigh had backed off and stopped acting so bitchy. Tyler had stopped doing… whatever it had been he was doing. In fact, I hadn’t seen much of him at all in those three weeks. Hm. Oh, and Nila and Jake were dating as of three weeks. Everything was going good for everyone.

    It was November sixteenth, Wednesday night, and I was at Cole's house to see him before I left. I was going to cheer camp until Sunday, and neither of us wanted me to leave. Ashleigh and Taylor were picking me up, and we were driving to the camp together.

    Ding dong.

    Honk honk.

    "Coming Ashleigh," I muttered. I pushed myself up off of Cole and stood up, off his bed. Cole stood up, too. I grabbed my cheer duffle bag, toiletry bag, and purse.

    "Bye Mrs. Davidson!" I said to Cole's mother, who was cooking in the kitchen.

    "Bye, Bekka! It was nice seeing you again!" she said, smiling at me.

    I smiled back at her. "You too!"

    Taylor honked the horn again.

    "And I'm really sorry about my friends," I added.

    She laughed. "Don't worry about it," she said, waving a hand in the air.

    We walked to the door and opened it right as Ashleigh was about to ring the bell again.

    "You rang? Fifteen times?" I said.

    "Finally! Hey Cole!" she said, smiling at him.

    "Hey, Ashleigh," he replied.

    "Take this," I threw my big bag at her; she caught it.

    "Ow! Something just broke my freaking arm!" she exclaimed, hooking her arm through the handle-straps.

    "Sorry. That was my flat iron," I said.

    "You need a flat iron for cheer camp?" Cole asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

    "We have to straighten our ponies, duh," Ashleigh said.

    Cole laughed. "Okay."

    "And take this," I said to Ashleigh, throwing my toiletry bag at her. She caught that right before it hit her in the face. "And this," I said, holding my purse out to her and smiling sweetly.

    She snatched it away from me. "Anything else?" she grumbled.

    "Hm, not that I can think of," I said.

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