These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 16

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    Chris's speech ran through my head all week. I didn't understand it. At least I told myself I didn't understand it. I was constantly thinking about it, all day and all night. I think I even had a dream about that freaking speech. How annoying is that? I just wished he'd never said that, so it wouldn’t be the only thing I was thinking of. It was like that annoying Miley Cyrus song you couldn’t get out of your head, even if you hated it with a passion.

    During the week, I would send Chris some kind of look- questioning, angry, confused- and he would always just smirk back at me. Basically saying (when he didn't say it out loud) "You know what I mean." And when I would respond that I didn't, he would say "You'll get it soon enough." Absolutely infuriating. I hadn’t told anyone else about our conversation, just kept it to myself. But I think everyone noticed I was a little more thoughtful and quiet than usual.

    I was at a party on Saturday night, and I'd decided not to drink, given the last party. But hey, you didn't have to drink to have a good time! Everyone knew that. And given the fact that I hardly drank that much and I always had fun, I was a poster-child for that campaign. I was very proud of it, too.

    Any way, I was dancing and playing around with everyone, when I spotted Tyler across the room. He was leaned up against the wall, no drink in hand, looking completely miserable. He had a sulking expression on his face and I could tell by the distant look in his eyes that he was thinking hard about something. I didn't care. He could shove whatever he was thinking about right up his-

    "Hey Bekka?"

    "Hm?" I answered, snapped out of my thoughts.

    "Where'd you get your skirt?" Emma asked me.

    "Bebe," I murmured.

    "Oh cool. Because I've been looking for one just like it, and I really like the color of that one!" she said.

    "Tell me if you find one you like," I said, not sure what she was saying. I was distracted again.

    Tyler had walked over to where the drinks were and downed a whole drink in one gulp. Then he- Oh God- looked at me and started walking determinedly towards me.

    I immediately averted my eyes and acted like I hadn’t seen him. What the hell was he doing? I didn't want to deal with any mean words or drama tonight. I just wanted to have fun! Why did he have to start things? Why? Why couldn’t he just leave me alone and save what he wanted to say until Monday for crap's sake?!

    "Bekka," Tyler said.

    That was the cue for the guys to step in, apparently.

    Nick, Chris, Ashton, and Caleb all made kind of a protective barrier around me.

    Tyler looked exasperated. "Bekka," he said again.

    My name just rolled off his tongue. I always loved the way he said it….

    "Come on, man. Just leave her alone tonight," Nick said.

    "Bekka!" Tyler persisted, ignoring him.

    "Don’t even start tonight. I'm not in the mood," Tyler said.

    "Dammit I just want to talk to you!" Tyler said, beyond annoyed with the guys.

    "She doesn't want to talk to-"


    Everyone turned to look at me.

    "What?" Chris asked.

    "I said fine. I'll talk to you," I met Tyler's eyes.

    "Okay…." Chris said, taking a step back.

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