These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 14

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    The rest of the night, I tried to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach. I couldn’t look at Tyler. I couldn’t see the pain in his face. I couldn’t see the wetness in his eyes. I felt awful. I just didn't know what to do… I was completely lost. But after the movie, I decided not to let it ruin my night. He would just have to get over me, like I got over him. Right? Sigh. This was just so complicated.

    You would think I would still be torn up; that I would be heartbroken over breaking up with him, after I loved him so much. I would think that, too. But after I broke up with him, after saying all those things to him, although I said them in a harsh way, I realized they were true. We were growing apart; becoming separate people. I just refused to believe it. And the reason I was so torn up that weekend besides the obvious fact was because I kept kicking myself. I didn't understand how I couldn’t see how we were so different, and how we were growing apart. We were drifting out of our love, and we both refused to believe it. After he was so mean to me that Monday and the instances after that just laid it all out for me. He wasn’t the one I was meant to be with, and it was good I ended it. 

    So I just decided to sigh and let him deal with it. I mean, I was definitely going to apologize, but maybe it would be better to let him get over me first. That's what I kept telling myself. I believed it, too. It would be best for him, best for me; best for everyone.

    At the end of the movie (which I still wasn’t convinced it wasn’t Mission Impossible: Forty), we all left and went to the parking lot. I thought it was cute the way Cole, Peter, Grace, and Caroline fit in with my friends. They all liked each other, and we had fun. Note that I left out Sophie.

     "And then when he swooped in and jumped over that car? Bad ass," Nick said.

     "I can do that!" Chris said, ginning.

     I snorted. "You wish you could that," I said.

     "No, seriously. At night when I'm the 'Ciller C', I do all kinds of stuff like that," Chris said. He said 'Ciller' like 'killer'.

     "The 'Ciller C'?" Taylor asked.

     "You know; my super-hero identity. But you guys are the only ones who know, so keep quiet!" Chris said.

     I just laughed with a few other people.

     "Bekka's got a secret identity, too," Ashleigh said.

     "Oh? And what's that?" I asked, making a face.

     "Bitchy B!" Ashleigh said.

    There were a lot of 'ooooh''s. 

    I rolled my eyes, hoping she was kidding. "And you have one, too, Ash," I said.

    "And what's that?" she asked with a smirk.

    "Asshole Ashleigh," I said. Sure, I could’ve gotten more creative, but eh.

    "You totally copied my technique! Bitch," she said, kidding. But I couldn’t help but notice that malicious glint in her eyes….

     I shrugged. "Rather be a bitch than an asshole!" I said.

     "But you're not really a bitch," Grace pointed out.

     Ashleigh snorted. "I'd beg to differ," she said, completely un-sarcastic.

     "Thank you Grace," I said, deliberately ignoring Ashleigh.

    Why was she acting like this?

    "I think I agree with Ashleigh," Tyler said.

    I went cold, and looked down.

These New Eyes, My New Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें