These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 11

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    Saturday night, Nila had come over, and I told her everything. We stayed up really late, me answering all her questions I knew the answer to. Most of them revolved around Twilight. Then we had discussed the whole Cole situation. I was still utterly confused about that, and Nila told me that I'd just have to figure it out; it wasn’t something anyone could help me with. Sigh. When I'd explained to her why I couldn’t tell Ashleigh, she understood. She actually agreed with me.

    Now it was Sunday night, and I was in the kitchen making cupcakes. My mom was sitting on a bar stool watching me over the counter. Meredith was asleep, as it was ten-thirty.

    "So what are these for?" my mom asked.

    I paused for a quarter of a second. "Um, just for my friends," I said.

    "Last time you baked something for your friends, it was for Taylor," she said.


    "To apologize for breaking her Coach purse," my mom finished.

    Don’t even ask me how I broke her purse. I'm not sure myself. "Oh, well yeah," I said noncommittally.

    "Who are you apologizing to?"

    I sighed. "To about… seven of my friends," I said.

    "You want to tell me what for?" my mom asked.

    "Mm… no," I said, smiling a little at her.

    "Okay," she said. My mom was awesome. "Can I ask you something though?"

    Oh great. Here we go. "Yeah," I said.

    "Why are you making twenty-one cupcakes for seven people?"

    I rolled my eyes. "Think about how it would go over if I gave seven of my friends cupcakes and not the rest."

    She nodded. "Good point," she said, and we lapsed into silence.

    Thirty minutes later, I was digging around in the cabinets.

    "Mom, where's my glitter?" I asked.

    "Top shelf," she said. "You sure are going all out for these cupcakes, using your glitter. Are you trying to impress someone by any chance?"

    I smiled at her, sprinkling the edible glitter on the gourmet looking frosting. "Maybe…"

    "I can tell," she said.


    "You taken about five minutes for each process on that cupcake," she said, pointing the one I was glitterfying now.

    She was right. I'd carefully measured it perfectly, I'd been sure it was perfect when it came out of the oven, when I'd frosted it I'd done it slowly, and now I was being sure each speck of glitter landed neatly and perfectly on the frosting. Can you guess who's it was?

    "Oh. Well. Oh," was all I said, shrugging.

    After I'd glittered all of the cupcakes, I looked down at them and smiled.

    "There," I said. They were perfect.

    "They're cute. Now go to bed," my mom ordered, getting up.

    "Okay! Night!" I said.

    "Goodnight," she replied, going upstairs.

    I carefully placed all of the cupcakes in a container, and sealed the lid.

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