These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 9

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**Originally chapter 3. finally done breaking them up! whoo!

This is rewritten from the original, so don't skip it if you've read this before! Be sure you read this version, because it has a really major change!!(: 


 Friday night, I stood in front of my mirror curling my hair. I had already gotten dressed and done my make-up. I was wearing a tight black skirt that went to the top of my mid thigh. I had a hot pink scoop-neck top on, tucked into the skirt. I had pink heels to match my shirt and make up with the height difference between Nick and me.

    I had to say, I was nervous. Which was odd for me. The only other date I'd ever been nervous on was my date with Cole. I wasn’t nervous about going with Nick, no, little-old-I-don’t-like-Cole-I'm-going-to-date-me was nervous about seeing Cole with Nick. I wanted to slap myself as I tried to push the worried feelings away. All week, he had acted normal. Like we nothing had ever happened. It made me feel very uneasy and slightly… irritated. Not at Cole, at myself, because I liked the way things had been going. But I did this, and now I was forcing myself to not go running back to him.

    I didn't need to! Seriously! I had been in a serious relationship for longer than a year! Then I was going to jump into another one? No. I refuse to. I'm going to date, whether I enjoy it or not. I'm going to go to parties and make-out with people. I'm going to dance with multiple guys at parties. I'm going to. I'm going to. I'm going to.

    I thought determined thoughts during the forty-five minute process of curling my hair. When I finally finished, I looked in my full-length mirror. The outfit showed off my great figure, the heels made my legs look extra long, and my hair was perfect. I found I wasn’t as clumsy in doing my hair since I'd become a vampire. Score one for me.

    I heard a car come up, and rushed downstairs, not wanting my mom to answer the door.

    "Is that Cole?" my mom asked, coming out of the living room.

    "Um, no. It's Nick," I said, checking my lip-gloss in the mirror downstairs.

    "Well what happened to Cole?" my mom asked.

    "Um. Long story. I'd better get going. Love you!" I said. I gave her a quick hug, and practically ran out the door, cutting off her bewildered "Love you, too."

    Nick got out of his car and smiled at me. He seemed nervous again. That's cute! I thought. I smiled back at him.

    "Hey," he said.

    "Hi!" I said brightly. I hugged him, and got in the passenger side. Cole always opened the door for me, part of me said, disgruntled.

    "You look great," Nick said, pulling out of my driveway.

    "Oh, thanks. I just threw this on," I said, smirking. Nick laughed.

    We talked the whole way to Derek's party, and then we walked up to the house together, Nick's hand on the small of my back.

     We- well, I- got greeted by everyone immediately. I got 'hi's and 'oh my god, you look amazing!'s and 'so good to see you's and everything else. I smiled sweetly at everyone, scanning the faces for one in particular. I didn't see him, anywhere. And I didn't see Nila, or Ashleigh. When we got to the living room, all of the furniture was cleared out and people were dancing on the hardwood floors. Currently, everyone was fist pumping like they belonged on Jersey Shore.

    "Do you want a drink?" Nick asked me.

    I didn't usually drink. I did sometimes, and I usually got quite tipsy when I decided to drink. I was about to tell Nick no, when I heard a voice over the music.

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