These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 15

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    The entire rest of the week, I ate with Cole and the others. I hung with my other friends at the game and after school, but I just wanted to eat with Cole. Uh- and the others. That's what I had to keep adding. Let's just say my other friends felt kind of abandoned. Anyway, it was before school the second Wednesday after the movies, and I was standing with Cole, Sophie, Peter, Mason, Grace, and Caroline. I didn't know where Jake ever was.

    "Caroline, do you ever understand what we're talking about in French?" I asked her.

    She laughed. "Yes! Don't you?"

    I shook my head. "Nope. Not even when he's speaking English," I said.

    Grace laughed. "Then how are you in AP French?" she asked.

    I shrugged. "No idea! You'd figure I would be stupid enough to fail out by now," I said.

    "You're not stupid, Bekka," Peter said, shaking his head at me but smiling.

    Sophie snorted.

    "Don’t be jealous!" I said to her, smirking.

    She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm not jealous," she said.

    "Tell your face that," I said.

    "No wonder Tyler cheated on you," Sophie snapped.

    I paused. "What?"

    "You're annoying, you can't keep your mouth shut, and you're just plain-" but I cut her off.

    "No. What did you say?" I asked, looking at her.

    Sophie gave me a mean, harsh smirk. "You mean you don’t know yet?" she asked.

    "Know what?" I asked.

    Sophie laughed. "Tyler cheated on you with Sarah McGibbon!" she almost sung it.

    "H-he… cheated on me?" I asked.

    "Yep! Slept with Sarah right after your anniversary! One week after!" Sophie sneered at me.

    I felt all the blood drain from my face.

    "How do you know that Sophie?" Caroline asked, her eyes narrowed.

    "He's only been telling everybody since Saturday night," Sophie said, rolling her eyes.

    A knot had formed in my stomach.

    "W-what?" I asked.

    "Sorry sweetie. I know it's tough to hear," Sophie said sarcastically, patting my shoulder.

    "Sophie-" Cole began, but I didn't hear the rest of it, because I turned and walked to where all my friends were.I heard Cole call after me, but ignored him, and marched right over to Tyler. He stared at me in bewilderment. Everyone else just stared.

    "I think she knows…" someone, I think Emma, whispered.

    "Did you cheat on me?" I asked Tyler quietly. My voice was strong and clear. I held his eyes.

    He paled only slightly. "Yeah." He said.

    "When?" I asked, loosing my strength.

    "A week after our anniversary," he said, almost a cruel smirk on his face.    

    "Why?" I struggled to keep my voice from breaking.

    He shrugged.

    "That's all you have to say? We were together for a year, and then you go and screw some other girl a week after our anniversary, and that's all you have to say?" I asked, my heart beating a little faster.

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