These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 17

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This is a new chapter 17!!!!!!!!!!(:


    You need to do what makes you happy.

    That particular line of Chris' speech ran through my head the rest of the party, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and it was continuing to do so on Thursday. Would Chris' voice ever get out of my head?! I was so sick of hearing it. I was beginning to think I was going crazy.

    I was particularly puzzled by it Wednesday. I felt like I was realizing what would make me happy, my subconscious was just keeping it from my conscious. I would think of something, think 'By golly I've got it!' and then realize I didn't have it. So frustrating. I hardly spoke to anyone; I just thought. Before school, I'd just thrown on some dark-wash skinny jeans and a cute top from Forever 21. My hair was just in waves, and I had on pretty make-up; lots of sparkles.

    I was standing with Ashleigh and Taylor, and Ashleigh snapping in front of my face caused me to start.

    "Hello? Earth to Bekka?" she said, her tone annoyed.

    "Hm? Oh, sorry! What were you saying?" I asked, shaking myself slightly.

    "I was saying that Lance is taking me on a romantic dinner for our anniversary. Isn't that great?" she asked, beaming.

    "Totally…" I murmured, drifting back into my thoughts.

    "Ugh! You suck Bekka!" she said, stamping her foot.

    I smiled apologetically. "Sorry," I said.

    She rolled her eyes, saying something, but I didn't hear it.

    I noticed Cole and Jake standing with a few other guys. He was laughing, and his smile cause a small smile to come to my lips. I loved how he had that one almost-dimple. And how his eyes got so bright when he found something particularly hilarious. And I loved it when-

    "Rebekka! For God's sake pay attention!" Ashleigh snapped.

    I turned and looked at her. "I'm sorry!" I said.

    I noticed Chris looking at me with that smirk on his face, slightly nodding his head. I marched over to him.

    "Would you stop doing that?" I demanded.

    "Doing what?" he asked innocently.

    "That! It's so annoying! I haven't figured anything out yet and you are just not helping!" I said.

    He laughed. "Calm down, Bek," he said.

    "No! You calm down, Chris!" I snapped, and then I began stomping away. I spotted Caroline by herself with all the guys (including Cole) and she gave me a pleading look. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to them. It was Cole, Jake, Ashton, Caleb, a guy Nicholas, and a guy Brad. I stood next to Caroline, and across from Cole.

    "Hey guys!" I said, smiling brightly at everyone.

    "Hey Bekka," Caroline said, seeming relieved.

    I laughed a little.

    "Hey," Cole said, smiling at me.

    I bit my lip to keep my smile at the appropriate size.

    "Hey Bek," Ashton said.

    "Why does everybody call you 'Bek'?" Caleb asked.

    I shrugged, giggling. "I don’t know. Cause my name is Bekka?"

These New Eyes, My New Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें