These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 4

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**Originally apart of chapter 1


The rest of the week, and the week after that, I ate lunch with Cole and the others three days a week. On Thursday and Friday Ashleigh and Nila would eat with us, too, and they said they would every Thursday and Friday. Well, just Friday for Ashleigh. I sat next to Cole nearly everyday, and I was feeling an attraction toward him no matter how hard I tried to fight. Whenever he laughed, I found myself smiling. And I was drawn in with every word he spoke. I wanted run my fingers through his hair. I wanted to hold his hand. I wanted to kiss his seductive lips. I walked to fifth, sixth, and seventh period with him everyday, and I sat with him in seventh everyday.

    We were strictly flirting, nothing more, nothing less. Everyone noticed, too. Including Tyler, who had seventh with us, and didn't miss us sitting together. He had started making out with this girl, Madison who I didn't like, every time he saw me. Example: Cole and I were walking down the hallway and we saw Tyler and Madison. Tyler noticed me and grabbed Madison around the waist, and started making out with her, throwing glances at me while he did it. As we passed him, I just laughed.

     I was nonstop getting quizzed from Ashleigh and Nila: why don’t you have his number?, why haven't y'all gone on a date?, you think he's totally hot, right?. I was getting sick of it. I had just broken up with Tyler three weeks ago! So what if I was over him? I'm not just going to immediately jump into another guy after an eight-month relationship! I mean come on!

    I was actually coming to terms with my vampirism. I had drunk blood five other times, and it was becoming habit. I found my hearing and seeing improvements really useful. And my vampire complexion and coloring meant I needed less make-up! I was hoping to have some really cool power, but it didn't look like it was going to happen. That I was slightly disappointed about.

    Thursday at lunch, I took my seat next to Cole. Nila, Grace, and Caroline were huddled together whispering. I focused on them, and heard every word.

    "Okay, so here’s the plan: Grace, you'll say let's go to the movies Friday night! And then Caroline, you'll say 'yeah! Let's all go!' and then I'll say I'll go and everyone else will, too. And then, we're going to get everyone to cancel so that Bekka and Cole will be the only ones left, and they'll have to be on a date!" Nila said excitedly.

    "But what if they don’t go because no one else is?" Grace asked.

    "We'll tell them that we'll all meet at the theater, and then I'll text her and say, got the tickets? When she does, we'll get everyone to text them and say they can't make it. Then they'll have no choice, because the tickets will already be bought!" Nila said.

    "Perfect!" Caroline said.

    "Ready?" Grace said.

    The three of them sat up, and I looked away quickly, more than annoyed. I saw them exchange a smile, and then Grace cleared her throat.

    "Guys! We should all go to the movies Friday night!" Grace suggested. She was a good actress.

    "What movie?" Peter asked.

    "What about that movie with Cameron Diaz?" Caroline suggested.

    "Yeah!" Grace said.

    "Hm. I don’t really like her," I said, wrinkling my nose.

    "Oh. Well what about that Reese Witherspoon movie?" Nila asked.

    "That looks good," Caroline noted.

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