Chapter 40

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Christmas was nice. We all watched movies and talked. Harry pulled up a picture of a mistletoe on his phone and kissed me under it. None of us had presents for each other with us, so we decide to do that once we got back home.

It wasn't until the night of Christmas that we got the call that we can go home. We were all happy and packed up our stuff. We left early the next morning.

Once we got back, we all decided to hang out at the boy's house. Mary-Beth and I stopped at our place before going there.


"Home sweet home," I said. Mary-Beth laughed as I fell onto the couch.

"Are you going to unpack before we go?" Mary-Beth asked me.

"Yup." I swung myself off of the couch and grabbed my luggage. I went to my room and unpacked, then I changed into some jeans and sweatshirt.

"Are you almost ready?" Mary-Beth called out to me.

"Ya." I grabbed my phone then left my room. "Am I driving?"

"If you want to."

"Ok." I grabbed my keys and headed to the door.

"What about your purse?" Mary-Beth said.

"I hate carrying a purses."

"Ok." We left the apartment and headed over to the boys house.

"Hello." Harry greeted us at the door. Mary-Beth gave him a hug then walked inside.

"Hi," I said while giving Harry a kiss. He closed the door and wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked to the living room.

"Hey," Niall said to me. Mary-Beth was sitting next to him on the couch with a cup in her hand. I went to give each of the boys a hug.

"Is everyone ready to open presents?" Liam asked. We all said yes and everyone went to get their gifts.

"Do you want some hot chocolate?" Harry asked me.

"Sure." Harry led me into the kitchen and I watched as he made me and him some hot chocolate. He poured it into a mug, then added marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolate shavings, and a wafer straw.

"That looks delicious," I said.

"Why thank you," Harry said with a smile. "Here you are."

"Thank you."

"I'll be right back," he said.

"Ok." Harry left and I started drinking my hot chocolate. I mixed it, then added more whipped cream.

Harry came back a minute later. "Ok. Let's go open presents," he said before kissing me.

We walked into the living room, and Harry sat criss cross on the floor. He motioned for me to come sit with him. When I did, be pulled my onto his lap and kissed my cheek.

"Ok lovebirds. Is everyone ready?" Louis asked. We all said yes and Louis grabbed from the pile of gifts in the middle of the room. He handed it to Niall.

We all switched off, grabbing one gift and giving it to the person. Once we finished giving the gifts, everyone scattered around the house. Harry and I went into his room and I sat on his bedhim.

"Did you like your present?" Harry asked me.

"Yes. Thank you for the sweatshirt."

"It looks good on you." Harry gave me a smile and I stood up from the bed and walked over and hugged him.

During our hug, I looked over and saw that he had a work out schedule. "Wow. What a workout you do everyday," I said. Harry turned his head to see what I was looking at.

"Oh ya. I want to stay fit." I let out a small laugh.

"How many sit-ups can you do?" I asked.

"I don't know. Let's test it out," Harry said with a smile.


"Would you help me with them?"

"Ok. Come on." Harry layed on the floor and I held down his feet.

"One," Harry said. As he came up, he planted a kiss on my lips. "Two." He did the same thing.

"Oh my gosh Harry," I said with a laugh.

"Three...What? I need motivation." Harry kept doing this until he made it to 101. I would sometimes linger our kiss to try to mess him up, but he still held on.

"101 kisses just by doing sit-ups. We should do that more often," Harry said with a smile as he stood up.

"We should shouldn't we," I started to laugh. Harry let out a yawn. "Are you tired?"

"A little bit."

"Really? I would've thought sit-ups would wake you up," I said.

"Ya, but it made me exhausted."

"Oh ok. Do you want to take a nap?"

"Ya, but I want to take a shower first," he said.

"Ok. I'll wait here." I moved over to the bed and sat down.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I don't mind."

"Ok. I'll be quick." Harry quickly grabbed some clothes, then headed to the bathroom. I looked at Snapchat while Harry was gone. When he came back, he was wearing black joggers and a blue T-shirt. He was drying his hair.

"Ready for your nap?" I asked him.

"I'm actually not tired anymore." I let out a laugh.

"Nice Harry."

"Are you?"

"A little bit."

"Ok then. We'll take a nap." Harry hung up the towel, then jumped onto the bed. He moved under the covers and opened his arms so that I could cuddle with him. I scooted in, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Sleep well," he whispered into my ear before kissing my forhead.

"You too," I said.

(Hello. I'm sorry I haven't been updating everyday like I use to. School has been crazy lately, but thankfully Spring break is next week, so I'll be able to update everyday. Hopefully. I hope everyone had been going well. Love you lots. :)

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