Chapter 19

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It was two in the morning when I looked at the time. Mary-Beth and I were still wide awake.

"Hey. Maria? How...what was it like while you were in the coma? Do you remember anything?"

"Um. Well, it didn't seem like months, that's for sure." I let out a little chuckle.
"But in all honesty. I don't know. It was kind of like I was just regularly sleeping, but at the same time it was so different from that. I don't really know how to explain it."

"Oh. Do you remember anything?"

"No. Nothing after babysitting. It was like I was babysitting, then the next thing I know, I see the white tiles in the hospital room, and Harry on a chair."

"Oh. That must be tough."

"Ya. Sorry we couldn't hang out on my birthday."

"Oh it's ok. We can always make up for that later." She smiled at me and hugged me. After our hug, we layed down and listened to music.

"Goodnight Mary-Beth."

"Goodnight Maria. I love you."

"I love you too."


When I woke up, Mary-Beth was still sleeping and it was eight. This is usually the time she gets up, but then again, we didn't go to sleep until about three or so.

I laid staring at the ceiling for a little while. Just thinking. Then an amazing idea came to my mind. I got up quietly and walk over to the bathroom. When I came out, I moved to the linen closet and took out some candles. I placed them around Mary-Beth in a circle and put two by me. Then I went to my room and put on a black dress and a black cape. I went back to the living room and put a flame to each candle then put on creepy music. It took a little over two minutes for her to wake up.

"Mary-Beth!" I said in a dark voice. "You have done wrong!" When she saw me she jumped.

"Who are you?" She looked terrified. I had to bight my tongue to prevent myself from laughing.

"I" Her eyes went wide and she stood up. That's when she noticed the circle around her. She screemed and fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please. Leave me alone." She was crying now. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. She looked up at me and had a confused look on her face. I took the cape off of my head and showed her my face.

"Told you I'd get you back." She stood up and walked over to me.

"I hate you." I was still laughing.

"You know you love me." She walked past me and went into the bathroom.

It took me a minute to calm down my laughter. I cleaned up and put my onsie back on. Then I made my way to the kitchen to start breakfast. Mary-Beth came out of the bathroom before I could start anything and I burst into laughter.

"Ha ha. We are even now, so no more tricks." She scolded me.

"Ya ya. Ok. We're even. Oh, and I posted the video on Facebook."

"What video?"

"I took a video of my revenge on you."

"Oh my gosh. I hate you so much."

"I know you love me." I finally stopped laughing. "Now what do you want for breakfast?"

"Ice cream!" I let out a little laugh and pulled out the ice cream container.

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