Chapter 9

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I wave goodbye to Harry and walk inside the apartment. When I walk up the stairs, I see Mary Beth laying on the couch watching TV. When she sees me, she jumps up and squeals while running towards me.

"Tell me everything!" I smile at her and we walk to the couch.

I tell her the how the date went and see as her face changes to all these different emotions. They were mainly happiness and shock. Then I tell her about the kiss.

"Omg! No way! Ahh! Your first kiss. That's so cute!!" Was all she could say. The rest of the time, she was jumping up and down or smiling really big. It's nice to know I have a friend who understands how I feel.

"So what did you do while I was gone?"

"Oh nothing much. Just watched tv and did my daily workout. I actually ordered pizza which should be here soon."

"Ok." We layed back and watched tv until we heard the doorbell ring.


Harry's P.O.V

I just sat in my car for a while processing the day. It was really an amazing day. I liked hanging out with Maria, a lot, and I'm happy she's my girlfriend. I wouldn't exchange this for anything.

I debated whether or not to knock on the door just to see Maria again. I mean what would I say?

My thoughts are answered when a pizza truck parks right next to my truck. A guy comes out holding some pizza and starts to head towards the apartment as I climb out of my car.

"Hey," I call out to him. "Is that pizza for address 1611?"

"Yes it is." I smile at him and pull out my wallet.

"How much do I owe you?"

"You're the one that lives here?"

"Yes. I just stepped out real quick to do some stuff and arrived back just before you." I give him a small smile.

"Ok. It'll be $7.50." I give him the money and retrieve the box. "Thank you. Have a goodnight."

"You too." Once he drives away, I walk up to the steps of the apartment and ring the doorbell.

"Be calm. You can do this." I tell myself just before the door opens.

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