Chapter 18

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We both ran to our rooms. I sorted through my pajamas.

"Wear your onsie!" She called out to me.

"Ok!" I pulled out my superman onsie and put it on. When I made my way to the living room, Mary-Beth was standing on the sofa in her Batman onsie.

"Are you ready to loose?" I jumped onto the chair across from her.

"Ha ha. As if." That's when I realized the floor. "Oh wait. Help me get the mattresses."

"Ok." She helped me move the furniture, and we both went to get our mattresses from our rooms.

We placed the mattresses, pillows, blankets, and anything else soft we could find down on the floor. We then went back onto the chair and sofa.

"Ok," I said.

"Are you ready to loose?" She asked me.

I moved my cape with my hand. "Ha ha. As if. I've been training since our last encounter.

"Well we'll just have to see if that training helped you or not huh?"

"I guess so," I said to her with confidence.

We both then jumped up and fell to the comfy landing. She then went and started to poke me. I kept trying to dodge them, but I failed. I finally dodged one, then kicked her legs, lightly, and made her fall. She pulled me down and started to tickle me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Stop...Please..stop...This...isn't fair..." I said between laughs. She finally stopped once tears of laughter started coming from my eyes. She pinned my arms down.

"Do you give up?" I shook my head no, and looked past her calling Niall's name. She quickly turned around and I was able to get out of her grip and stand up. She stood up too.

"That's not fair."

"Hey," I laughed. "There's nothing in the rules that say I can't do that." I then jumped on her back and held on tightly.

"If I'm going down, then you're going down with me." We were both laughing hysterically now. I jumped off of her and we both fell to the mattresses.

"Um." We both sat up startled by the voice. When we looked up, Harry and Niall were standing in the kitchen. "Ok then. We are just going to go now," Harry said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We came back to return the key, but then we saw Batman and Superman at war, and we just had to see how this would play out." Harry and Niall were laughing now. "How often do you two do this?"

"Whenever we have a slumber party, so not that often." We were all laughing now.

"Ok. Well, we'll let you two have fun. Don't kill each other," Niall said.

"Bye guys," Mary-Beth and I said.

"Oh, and Superman won." Harry said with a smile.

"No way. I totally won," Mary-Beth said.

"Sorry to say it, but Superman did win," Niall said. I burst into laughter as he said this.

Mary-Beth was shocked that her boyfriend was on my side. I was shocked to, but I mean, I won't complain.

"But I mean, you won my heart, so you're still a winner," Niall said. Mary-Beth smiled and ran up to Niall to kiss him.

Harry looked at me and said, "Do I get a kiss?"

"Sure Harry." I got up and gave him a kiss realizing that it was the first kiss we had since the accident. I felt happiness flood throught my body.

"Thank you," Harry said pulling away from the kiss smiling like an idiot obviously thinking the same thing as I was.

I smiled at him and kissed him again before they had to leave.

"Let's make pizza!" Mary-Beth said.

"Regular or chocolate?"

"Good question. Ugh. I was just thinking regular, but now chocolate pizza sounds so good."

"Here. Why don't we make chocolate pizza, and if we get hungry again later, we'll make regular pizza?"

"Ok!" We went to the kitchen and started taking out the ingredients and put the pie crust in the oven.

Once the pie crust came out of the oven, we let it cool and started to melt the chocolate. We put the chocolate on the pie crust and put it in the freezer to speed up the process. With the extra chocolate, we ate chocolate covered strawberries.

"So, what should we do next?" She asked.

"We could play BuzzFeed quizzes?"

"Ooh. Ok."

Once the pizza was done, we added toppings and went to get our laptops. We sat at the kitchen counter and answered BuzzFeed quizzes for an hour and a half.

We cleaned up and made our way to the living room.

"Close your eyes," Mary-Beth told me.


"Just close them. The next thing we're doing will be a surprise." I closed my eyes like I was told. After a minute Mary-Beth told me to open them. When I did, there was karaoke on the tv.

"Oh my gosh. We haven't used this since College."

"I know! We have to do it today. Do you remember how much fun we had?"

"Ya. Ok. Let's sing." After an hour of singing throw back songs, we turned off the karaoke and I got the hair supplies so I could do Mary-Beth's hair while she put on the movie Ramona and Beezus.

"Oh my gosh. Throw back. I haven't seen this in years," I said to her while she put the movie on.

"I just had to put this on. It was my favorite as a child." We watched the movie, and halfway through I finished her hair and she started on mine. By the end of the movie, both of our hair was done.

We took out our phones and started taking Snapchats of each other. This lasted about ten minutes.

"Are you hungry too?" I asked her.

"Aren't we always?" We both laughed.

"True." We went and made the pizza then watched YouTube videos.

(I had so much fun writing this chapter. ;p)

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