Chapter 27

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"Ready to go?" I had already changed into skinny jeans and put on a coat, scarf, and gloves. I nodded to Harry and we moved to the exit to go outside.

"Oh my gosh. This is beautiful," I said once stepping outside.

"This is cold," Harry said and I let out a small laugh. "Come on, let's go to the car." We headed to the car, and were able to fit in with Liam. Loui, Niall, and Mary-Beth are all in the other car.

"Are we heading to the hotel?" I asked while the car started to move.

"Not yet. We're going to take a quick stop before we go." Harry gave me a smile, and I knew he wouldn't tell me. Instead, it would be a surprise.

"Ok." I smiled up at him then gave him a kiss. I almost forgot that Liam was in the car with us until he spoke, nearly having me jump to the ceiling.

"Get a room." We all laughed. "You two are a cute couple though."

"Thank you Liam. So do you have a special lady in your love life right now?"

"Nope." He gave me a smile.

"Oh ok. Going solo for a little?"

"I guess you can put it that way." He laughed. "I find it funny how there was a point when Niall and Harry didn't have girlfriends, but Loui and I did. Now the tables have turned." I joined in with his laughing.

"Hopefully, next time it will be all of us having girlfriends instead of the tables turning back around," Harry said.

"Don't worry babe, I'm not leaving you." I gave Harry another kiss. I felt the car stop, and when I looked out of the window, there were cars everywhere. "Oh my gosh. No." My jaw dropped. "We're in New York traffic."


2 hours later, we arrived to a pizza place that would have only taken us about 15 minutes to get to if it weren't for all the traffic. We entered through the back, and went where no one else was.

"You see. This is why I can't live in New York. My patience during traffic is so small. Plus, that wasn't the worst of it," I said as we walked into the pizza place.

"Ya. We figured that out during the first five hundred curse words that came out of your mouth," Liam laughed. Harry joined in.

"What? No one was moving."

"Ok my little firecracker. Take a seat and I'll get you pizza," Harry said. This is when I finally noticed where we were.

"Aw. This is so sweet. My first pizza in New York. Thank you Harry." I gave him a hug.

"You're welcome love." I went to go sit at the table with Liam, and everybody else came in.

"I hate traffic," Mary-Beth said. She had an angry look on her face.

"Me too. Do I have a story to tell you." I told her about how no one was moving and the person next to us kept honking their horn. I also told her about how I got out of the car and started yelling at the person threatening to slash their tires if they didn't shut up. Then Harry pulled me away and apologized.

She told me the story of how the man behind their car came out of his car and hit the front of their car just because they weren't moving. Then she told me how she jumped out of the car and started to hit his car while cursing him out. Then Niall pulled her away and apologized. The whole time, Loui was sassing the wife of the man, telling her that he had no reason to hit their car and all.

By the time we stopped talking Harry came back with two pizza trays.

"One's cheese, and one's sausage and pepperoni." We all said thank you and Harry moved to sit across from me. He watched as I took my first bite.

"This is amazing." Everyone that said New York pizza is the best, was absolutely right. "This is the best. Well, right now at least. I haven't tried enough to say it's the best really."

Harry let out a laugh. "Wel I'm glad you like it." We ate the pizza and were now just talking.

"So, why are we in the back?" I asked Harry.

"I don't want the people up front to find out that One Direction-" Harry must have said it to loud, because a little girl heard some how.

"One Direction!?" She literally turned her head like an owl and made eye contact with Harry. "Ahhh!" She screamed and started running towards us.

"We have to go, Louis said
We all jumped up and ran to the cars. Once we got in the car, the driver turned onto the street, and I seriously died. There was still traffic. Not only that, but there was a bunch of screaming fans at the windows calling for Harry and Liam.

I had to sit through this for 2 more hours. Thankfully, I had my headphones. Un-thankfully, I left them in my suitcase which is in the trunk.

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