Chapter 10

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Mary-Beth goes to open the door. A couple seconds later, I hear her talking to the delivery guy.

"Maria. May you come here please?" She calls to me. I get up and walk over to the stairs to see Mary-Beth and Harry in the door way.

"Pizza delivery," Harry says with a smile. I give him a confused smile.

"Ok Maria. So which one do you want. Harry or the pizza?" Mary-Beth asks me. We all laugh.

"I'm pretty sure she wants me," Harry says with a grin.

"Haha. Ya right. Food before dudes," I say while laughing.

"With an exception of me of course though." I walk down the stairs and give Harry a hug.

"What are you doing here?" We all walk up the stairs and head into the living room.

"Well, I was sitting in my car just thinking, then I saw the pizza guy come by the apartment and I asked him if the pizza was for you guys. He said yes, and one thing lead to another and here I am."

"Well thank you kind sir for the pizza," Mary-Beth laughs. We all sit down on the couch. Mary-Beth on one, and Harry and I on another.

Mary-Beth got three plates and some drinks, and we start to dig in.

We spend the night talking, and after Harry left, Mary-Beth and I decide to go to bed.

Once in my room, I go on my computer to watch YouTube. I actually didn't feel tired, I just wanted to lay down. I open up YouTube and nearly scream. I get up quickly and run to Mary-Beth's room.

"Mary-Beth! Mary-Beth!" She was lying in her bed about to fall asleep.


"Watch this!" I hand her my computer and watch as she sees the video. Her eyes become huge and by the end of the video, she's in total shock.

"I know right!" Someone has uploaded a video of Harry and my date to YouTube. The heading was even, 'Sorry girls, but Harry Styles is Taken'

"Oh my gosh. I can't believe this. I'm like, speechless." She hugs me.

"I'm smiling like a crazy person, and freaking out at the same time."

After a couple more minutes of freaking out, I go back to my room to watch Buzzfeed videos. I don't even realize when I fall asleep.

(Hey. Sorry my chapters are weird. I have some long and some short. It really just depends on how much writing fits the specific chapters. Well, I hope everyone has a lovely day. Goodbye for now. :)

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