Chapter 21

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Mary-Beth's P.O.V

I closed the door to the bathroom while still holding onto Maria.

"Maria. Are you ready to take a bath?" She nodded and I helped her to get undressed. This was the first time she saw her body since the accident. I could tell because she was wide eyed when she saw the scar that came from the glass. She moved her fingers over it slowly. Her crying was stopping by now. We both stayed quiet as she kept staring at it. Most of the other cuts had disappeared.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.

"No." She stepped into the bath and I turned on some music for her. I sat on the floor by the door and closed my eyes. I wish she wouldn't have to go through all this pain. Why does it always have to be the good people that get hurt?

"Did they find him?"

"Find who?" She wasn't looking at me. She just stared straight ahead.

"The man that hit me." She turned her gaze towards me.

"No. They're trying though." She turned her gaze back in front of her and there was silence. Minutes went by. She went under the water then came back up.

"I'm going to take a shower. Would you mind checking on Harry for me please." I nodded and left the bathroom.

"How is she?" Harry asked as I stepped into the kitchen.

"She's ok. That was the first time she saw her cuts and the scar. She asked about the man and I told her the police haven't caught him yet. The rest of the time she was silent. She's taking a shower now. She wanted me to check on you."

"Ok." I could hear the water from the shower going. "The soup's all done. There's some extra. Would you like some?"

"Yes please." Harry took out three bowls and poured soup into each one. The shower stopped. Harry started to wash the soup pot and I heard the bathroom door open. Two minutes later, Maria joined us in the kitchen and sat at the counter.

"That smells good," she said.

"Thank you," Harry smiled. "Here you are." He slid a bowl to Maria then one to me.

"What time is it?" Maria asked.

"It's five." I told her.

"Oh...Sorry for waking you guys up."

"No. Don't apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for," I said.

"We just want you to be ok," Harry said.

She gave us a smile and started to eat her soup.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie? I mean, I doubt any of us are going back to sleep," I said with a giggle. They joined in then said sure.

We went to the living room and watched 9. One of Maria's favorites.


Maria's P.O.V

It was now five, and Mary-Beth and I were getting ready. Harry left an hour ago to get ready. Mary-Beth and Harry said they had a surprise for me and that I had to dress casual, but nicely. Nothing over the top. I put on black high waisted pants, a white deathly hallows T-shirt, a red leather jacket, and black wedges.

"Is this good?" I asked Mary-Beth.

"Perfect." She gave me a smile. "Now sit down so I could do your makeup."

"Oh no. You know how I feel about makeup."

"I know. I know. It's better to be natural. Natural beauty is the best beauty. Why hide behind a mask?" She mocked me. "Please. Just this once. I really want to do your makeup. I won't ask again." She started pouting.

"Fine, but you have to do our Pinky Pie promise."

"Oh my gosh. I haven't done that in years. Remember when we would do that in high school?"

"Yes." I let out a laugh.

"Ok ok. Love my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." We both burst into laughter.

"Ok. You can do my makeup."

After sixteen minutes, Mary-Beth finishes and I go to the bathroom mirror.

"Oh. I love it. Thank you."I gave her a hug.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it."

After Mary-Beth finished, we started to get ready to go. Harry rang the doorbell and we left the apartment.

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