Chapter 17

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The drive home was quick. By the time Harry pulled into the parking lot, it was already 11.

I stepped out of the car and took in a deep breathe. I looked over to Harry, and he was getting out of the car.

He went and opened the door. I walked in and started to go up the stairs.

"Where's Mary-Beth?" I flipped the light switch on and everyone yelled, "Surprise!"

I screamed and ran down the stairs as quickly as I could. I was just about to turn the corner when I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around quickly and saw Harry.

"Maria. Breathe. It's just a surprise party," he chuckled.

I was catching my breathe and I swatted his chest.

"That's not funny. I nearly had a heart attack."

"Since when were you scarred of surprises?" He was starting to fully laugh now.

"I'm not. I just get scared easily, that's all. How could you not know that. I kept jumping that time we watched The Conjuring."

"Ya, but I didn't think you were scared of everything. Just scary movies."

"I'm not scared of scary movies. I was just a little jumpy during that movie."

"Ya ya. Now let's get back in there before everyone really freaks out."

We walked back to the apartment, Harry's hand on my back. As we went into the apartment, everyone had a worried expression on their face.

"Sorry. I don't do good with jump outs."

"Oh. It's ok. Sorry we scared you," they said.

When I looked around, I saw my family and friends, well the ones that are in England. Then I saw Mary-Beth on the floor laughing.

"Oh my gosh. You should have seen your face," Mary-Beth said.

"Ha ha. Very funny." She kept laughing.
"I hope you are very careful, because you know I'm revengeful."

It wasn't until I had said hi to everyone that Mary-Beth had stopped laughing. She went into the kitchen and started to bring out food.

The party was really nice. It made me happy that everyone came. By the end, the only people left in the apartment were Mary-Beth, Harry, Niall, and myself.

"Hey um, Maria. May I talk to you?" Niall asked. I stopped cleaning up.

"Sure." I followed him into the kitchen, and Mary-Beth was behind me. Niall motioned her to come next to him.

"Ok. So. We have something to tell you." Niall said. My heart beats started to pick up, and I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say.

He looked down at Mary-Beth. And she nodded. He look back to me.

"Mary-Beth and I are dating." My heart skipped a beat. A huge grin came onto my face. "I wanted to see if you were ok with that."

"Ok with that? I'm thrilled! I'm so happy you two are together." I ran up to the both of them and hugged them. They smiled too.

"I-I can't even explain how happy I am for you too. You guys make a cute pair."

"Thank you," they both said.

"So. How did this all start?"

"Well, while you were in the hospital, it was hard to be at home alone, so Niall would come over, or I would go over, and he would take my mind off of the sitiation. We would talk a lot, and we started to develope feelings for each other. After a while, he asked me out, and now here we are as a couple." Mary-Beth smile up at Niall, and he gave her a kiss.

"You two are so cute together." We started to walk back into the living room, and I grabbed Mary-Beth's arm.

"You know this means a double date, right?" She laughed and nodded at me.


After Niall and Harry left, Mary-Beth and I sat on the couch talking. She told me how Niall makes her happy, and what's new with her.

"You know what we haven't had in a long time?" She she asked me.

"No, what?"

"A slumber party."

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