Chapter 3; Part 1

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I slam the car door shut and I hear another slam.

I look at Mike. "What ever happens in there just remember I'm always gonna be by your side." I remind him and he nods.

I go towards Brad's door and suddenly I feel a soft hand on mine.

I look at Mike and he has a soft expression on his face. "Just be careful okay? I don't want you hurt... You know how dangerous Rob can get when he's angry." He says quietly and I freeze for a second.

Well thanks for the reminder Mike..

I nod and look down at his hand, I bring it up to my lips and place a gentle kiss on it before pulling away and squeezing it.

He blushes and smiles a little.

I let go of his hand and I grab the door handle.

"You ready?" I ask as I glance at him, I see him nod and I open the door.

Thank god Brad bought my act before on the phone..

I walk in and I hear it shut behind me.

"Brad?" "In here man!"

I clench my fists and I storm into the living room.

"-scene where they found Mike passed out. Bob? I heard you have Rob Bourdon on your side?"

Rob shows up on the TV screen with a blank expression.

"Me and Brad were just chilling and he went to the toilet, he came back and he told me that Mike was passed out somewhere and s-"

I see Mike snatch the TV remote from Dave and threw it at the TV screen.
The TV cracks and switches off and Brad gasps. "DUDE?!" Mike glares evilly at him.

I huff and glare at Brad. "Did you know about this?!" Brad looks at the TV. "What? Rob?" I nod and he shakes his head. "No! Dave just got here with Joe and showed me, they just found out too." I shake my head. "Bullshit! Rob couldn't have made a choice like this unless someone was giving him a push. You know he can't make choices on his own Brad!" I yell and then I hear a door open and shut.

We all turn our heads.

"Brad! I did it and it wasn't so bad, the interviewers made me feel at ease just like you sai-" Rob walks in and his eyes widen and his whole body freezes when he notices us.

I'm glaring at Brad whilst Mike is staring at Rob with no expression whatsoever.

Joe is glaring at Rob and Dave is ready to pounce on Brad.

"Brad? What the fuck did he mean by 'Just like you said'?" I ask and Brad looks at me.

"Ches-" I interrupt him. "Brad.. He better not mean what I think he fucking means or I swear to god, I'll do more than a bloody fucking nose." I warn and he puts his hands up. "Chester I never-"

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!" Dave bursts and instead of jumping on Brad he jumps for Rob.

I felt like I burst at his outburst and I jumped Brad.

"YOU DISGUSTING FUCKING PRICK!! WE TRUSTED YOU!! MIKE TRUSTED YOU!!!" I scream like I do on stage and in rehearsals, I punch Brad's face and I keep repeating one punch after another.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ROB!" I hear Dave scream but I'm to focused on Brad to care.

Suddenly I get kicked off. "STOP! FUCKING STOP!" I look up to see Mike glaring at me and Brad. "THIS ISN'T HELPING! AS MUCH AS HE DESERVES IT CHESTER WHAT GOOD IS IT DOING?!" I glare at Brad and he crawls backwards.

Mike huffs and kicks him on the foot, Brad and Mike groans but he still managed to limp towards me. "Chester... Please." I nod and wipe my mouth. "Okay.. Okay, okay." I sigh and I stand up.

I see Joe grab Dave by his arms and pulls him back.

Rob has a bloody nose and a busted lip. "WE TRUSTED YOU! BOTH OF YOU!" Dave screams and Joe huffs. "Dave!"

Dave gets out of Joe's grip but doesn't jump at anyone. He decides to turn to Brad. "HEY PUBE HEAD! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MIKES BEST FUCKING FRIEND! HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK ABOUT DOING THIS TO HIM?! IT'S TWISTED BRAD! FUCKING DISGUSTING!!" Dave screams and Brad winces. "D-Dave-" "FUCK. YOU." He delivered a kick to the same leg Mike did and storms out the house.

Joe looks between them and then shakes his head. "Disgusting fucks."

He walks out after Dave and I look at Mike.

He's staring at Brad. "Br-Brad..?" Brad sighs and then winces.

"M-Money.. Mike, money.. This lady had been stalking me, wanting me and she's been abusing.. Mentally and emotionally." I turn away, not wanting to believe this and just walk out.

However Mike's hand squeezed my arm.

"Remember Eleanor Richards from High school?" Mike nods. "Your first crush since 1st grade." Mike recalls and Brad hums. "Well it was her.. W-When I first saw her I felt the old feelings resurfaced and I decided to go on dates with her.."

Explains why you barely turned up when we all decided to hang out together..

"She started using me for money and I tried to break up with her but she had... P-Pinned me on the bed... I couldn't get away Mike, I couldn't exactly hit her and I didn't have the strength to just push her off.. So that happened and I realised I nearly ran out of money for my house.... I-I'm..." Mike shakes his head. "I'm sorry that happened to you, why didn't you just come to me-" "You were busy with HIM!" He points at me and I glare at him. "You were in 'Bennington World' Mike.. No one could easily pull you out of it either." Mike freezes.

"I.... I...." I sigh. "If you needed money we could've helped you or maybe Joe could've helped you! Dave?" He shakes his head. "They were busy in their own worlds." I ponder on that for a couple of seconds but I let it slide for now. "Rob needed money too cause Elisa did the same to him..." Brad sobs. "Mik-" "And then you used my story for money..." He mutters. "Mike we both disagreed to the idea at first! But we were gonna be homeless! We couldn't turn to that!" Mike scoffs. "Fuck you's." He pulls me outside and we both get into the car.

"Joe was right... He was so fucking right.." Mike mutters and I look at him. "How?" He sighs. "Joe asked me if I had properly talked to the guys and I had said no really.. He said "Don't get too caught up in your Bennington world I don't want you coming out with scars and facing more destruction" I brushed it off and thought Joe was just being Joe.." I rub my head. "Obviously not..." I mutter. ".. It's funny." I look at him. "What is?" He looks at me and smiles bitterly. "I had to get raped and beat up to snap out of 'Bennington World'." I stare at him in shock and he chuckles bitterly.

I swallow thickly and look forward.

..What's happening...?

And with that thought constantly on my mind, I pull out of Brad's driveway and start driving to Mike's.


We walk in. "I'm going to bed." He states and limps down the hallway.

I hear the bedroom shut and lock and I close my eyes and sigh.

What's happening?

I run my eyes and then take off my shoes and jacket, I hang my jacket up and walk towards the sofa.

I jump on it and grab the blanket Mike must've laid out the s'morning.

I tuck myself in and start dozing off.

What's happening?

Pushing Me AwayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz