Part 8

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I sigh and suddenly the door opens, I quickly stand up and I rub my face, I see Mike limp out first and I smile at him.

He smiles a little back and I sigh in relief.

It's hard getting a smile out of him these days.. And I actually don't blame him

Dr Dolby steps out. "Chester? Could I talk to you for a moment?" I look at Mike and he does something that leaves me shocked.

He grabs my hand, squeezes it and then limps away.

I stare after Mike as he turns a corner.

"Chester." I blink and I look at Dr Dolby, I swallow and nod, we walk into his office and I sit down. He closes the door and then he sits on his desk. "Mike didn't really talk much and everytime he did he was watching what he was saying." I nod. "Chester.. Has he gone through this before?" I shake my head. "Never.." Dr Dolby narrows his eyes at me. "He had mentioned something like that though...." My eyes widen.


I scratch my head. "Actually.... Y-Yeah Uhh... Me." I clears throat and his mouth makes a 'O' shape, I see confusion flash in his eyes again but it quickly fades away. "Have you been through therapy and such?" He asks and I nod.

Not really, it never worked doc

"So you're okay? Even when it comes to sexual contact and such?" He asks and I nod. "Are you..... Or were you.. Always dominant with Mike?" He suddenly asks and I blink.

"... Yeah but he took over once in a while." I admit uncomfortably and he nods. "Okay, just wanted to make sure I'm sorry." I nod and he sighs. "Mike has become nervous around new people and he kept staring at the door until we were actually done." I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion. "He had said he wanted me to leave..?" He nods. "After such a traumatic experience, most people attend to close off from the ones close to them because in that sort of situation they don't know how you would react, or if your thoughts would change about how you feel for them." He explains and I nod understandingly. "Mike isn't like most people... Yes he has closed off but to you.. Something like grabbing your hand and staring at the door when you left is not what they do. Mike even seems confused by his actions but more or less he attends to do it anyway." I nod slowly and he clears his throat. "I would give Mike 3 days until he could go home and when that time comes.... You would need some rules." I clench and un-clench my fist. "You should give Mike a lot of space and always let him come to you, there could be times where you can go to him but you would have to approach carefully and not scare him." I nod. "If he suddenly at any point wants to be intimate you should make damn sure to ask if he really wants to do it and not go any further if he seems unsure." I nod quickly on that one. "If he starts having panic attacks when he goes outside or if he doesn't leave his home make sure he's okay, especially if he's home bound cause negative thoughts always take advantage on the vulnerable minds when something traumatic has happened." I nod again and he pats his lap. "And that's that, here-" He pulls a card out of his pocket and he passes it to me, I look down to see his name and phone number. "If anything happens call me and we can arrange an appointment at any time." I nod and we stand up, I walk out and I shove his card in my pocket.

3 days...

I scratch my neck and close my eyes, I sigh.

Oh Mikey....

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