Part 10

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I feel something nudge me and I groan.

It happens again and I slowly open my eyes.

I blink a few times before lifting my head from my arms that are resting on my knees.

My eyes meet a familiar pair of beautiful chocolate orbs.

"Chester?" I rub my eyes and I look back into the eyes. "Hm?" "You slept in the living room, against the wall..." He mumbles and I look around.

Living room.
Curled up.
Mike in front of me.
Suitcase beside me.
.... Huh.

"Oh.." I blush and scratch my head. "Sorry." I clear my throat. "I'm sorry Chester...." He mutters and I look at him. "For what? Mike you have nothing to be sorry for okay? You did nothing wrong." I say quickly and he smiles a little. "I sorta made you sleep on the floor." I shake my head. "I-" "Wait."

His eyes trail down my cheeks and his pair widen. "We-Were you crying?" I stay silent and he meets my eyes again. "Ches-" "Yeah." I cut him off and he stares at me. "Oh... Ches.. I.." I see frustration and confusion swirl in his eyes.

Frustration of me being here? Or seeing me like this? Or that he has to put up with me crying for him?
Confusion on why? Or not knowing what to do?

"Mike I'm fine." I say a tad harsh and he nods a little, he stands up and stares down at me. "So-Sorry... You... I... I made you breakfast.." I blink and look down at my wrist.

10:57 AM

Woah.. I slept against a wall for a whole night?

Oh fuck I'm gonna have pains.

I nod and he walks away.

I slowly stand up and feel shooting pains everywhere, I groan and stretch my arms. I hear them pop in place and I sigh as I scratch my stomach.

I smell bacon and I smile a little.

It isn't his fault if he's being weird..

I walk into the kitchen to see Mike fully dressed and sitting at the dinner table silently.

I gulp and I sit down, I pull my chair in and I grab my knife and fork.

Let's just say breakfast was silent.

And I couldn't take it.

"Did you have your breakfast?" I decide to disturb the silence with my concern, he nods and looks at the sink.

I glance over there to see a plate in the sink.

I nod and turn back to my breakfast.


I pull on a new top and I pick up my dirty one, I walk into the bathroom and throw it in the dirty basket. I walk out and down the hallway and I hear the TV blaring.

"News flash! Mike Shinoda from the famous Linkin Park has been jumped and brutally raped-"

My eyes widen and I sprint towards the TV remote, Mike grabs the remote first and he shoots me a dangerous glare. I gulp and look at the TV.

"-The fans are really upset and disgusted with the people that done it. That's right, the police think two people were involved on the attack and rape. No one knows who it could be and so the police are investigating the scene where they found Mike passed out. Bob? I heard you have Rob Bourdon on your side?"

My eyes widen as 'Bob' shows up with Rob at the side who has a blank expression on his face.

"I do indeed Reece! Rob? Do you want to share your side?"

Rob nods and looks at the camera blankly.

"Me and Brad were just-

The TV goes blank and in the corner of my eye I see Mike throw the remote down onto the sofa.

We stand in silence just staring at the blank TV.

After what seems like forever I slowly turn to Mike who is staring at the TV.


No answer.


No movement.

"Mike. Talk to me."


I run my hand all over my face and then through my hair.

Rob.... Rob out of all fucking people? Telling the world? About what happened to Mike?

I clench and un-clench my fists.

Is he FUCKING serious?!

"Ch.... Chester...?" I snap my head to his small, heartbreaking voice. "Yes? Mike?" I walk to him and stand in front of him.

"H-How could... The guys do this?" His voice cracks and I feel my heart break even more.

I slowly wrap my arms around his waist and he doesn't tense or anything, I stop and watch him.

If he wants me to be this close he has to make the move

He looks up at me and I smile slightly, he breaks down and buries his face into my neck.

He wraps his arms around my torso and I tighten my grip on his waist. "Shhhhhhhhh Mike... Mike it's okay I'm here..."

He sobs some more and I put my nose in his black hair.

I close my eyes and inhale his gel.

"Mike... Mike I'm here, no one is gonna touch you ever again okay? And I'll make sure Rob and the guys get a fucking earful." Mike sobs harder.

"I-I trusted.. Trusted them! I... I just... You were.... Rob..!" He stammers and is feel his fists bawl up my t-shirt.

"Mike? Listen to me okay?" He takes a deep shaky breath and starts to slowly calm down.

"I'm so, so sorry this is happening okay? I know how you feel and I know that you're so freaking upset but listen okay?" He nods once and sighs lowly.

I let go of his waist and cup the sides of his head.

I pull him away from my neck and make him look me in the eyes.

I see him try to avoid them but I shake my head. "Mike." I say firmly and he quickly meets my eyes.

"We're going to pull through this, I promise you. It's gonna get shit before it gets better but we're Mike and Chester, Chester and Mike! We can get through anything together Mike... I love you okay?" He opens his mouth but I interrupt him. "And I know you love me too so you don't have to say it, Mike? We are gonna get through this." I tell him firmly, trying to convince him and myself that we will pull through this.

He stays silent just staring into my eyes as if he's thinking about everything.

"I believe you." Was all he said before he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside and into the car.

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