Part 7

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Chester's POV
A Few Days Later

(A/N: So I'm gonna be doing Chester's POV for a while now.. I decided to keep Mike's point of view a secret for a while now so it builds up more tension and stuff, enjoy)

I walk down the familiar hallway and I stop in front of a familiar door, I grab the familiar handle and I open it, I walk into a familiar room and I see a familiar bed.

I could tell you what wasn't familiar though..

It's empty.

"Good morning Chester." I turn around and I see Doctor Julia.

She has brown hair with blonde high lights, she is wearing her uniform and she has forest green eyes.

I would say she's pretty but that's about it.

"Hey.." I mutter and before I could fire questions about Mike, she speaks first. "Chelsea decided to take Mike for a walk... In a wheel chair but I class it as a walk." She giggle lightly and I sigh in relief. "Hey, want coffee?" I open my mouth but stop myself from refusing.

A cup of coffee sounds nice..
But I'm craving for some coke.

"Oh! And by coffee I mean a bottle of coke or something.. I'm not so keen on coffee." She reads my mind and I smile a little. "Sure."


We sit down and I open my coke, I hear it hiss and I take a sip. "So how long have you worked at the hospital for?" I start conversation and she shrugs. "6 years now? I don't know.. But me and Chelsea decided to get a job here. Something about saving peoples lives and helping people seemed awesome to do." She smiles and I raise a brow. "Awesome?" I question and she rolls her eyes with a smile. "Leave me alone, I'm on a break." I chuckle and she leans back into her chair. "Have you been wanting to be a doctor all your life?" I ask slightly intrigued, she seems to have a story behind it instead of just wanting money to keep an apartment or something. "Well.... Me and Chelsea have been best friends since we were born basically and all our lives we wanted to be heroes.. We hit 16 and we started looking for jobs like firefighting and even a music career." I narrow my eyes at her. "A music career to save peoples lives?" I ask with a growing smile, she nods. "Your music saves a bunch of lives Chester, yeah most songs are dark but people feel like they've been heard through a song.. I mean I've had patients who had tried to commit suicide here and they all have told me why." I lean back into my chair and I listen intently. "But most of them had said that Linkin Park was one of their favourite bands.... Your music saved them from actually succeeding man." I blink in confusion. "But I thought they tried to-" "Keyword: Tried." She interrupts and I 'oh' at her.

"I mean they would have that second thought or something there would stop them and then the attempt was accidental." She explains some more and I nod. "Right."

"Anyway... So I'll cut this short, me and Chelsea had saved a guy in a car crash and we managed to keep him alive until the ambulance came. Ever since then me and Chelsea studied hard to get here." I take another sip from my coke and she takes a sip from hers. "Interesting.." I mutter and she stares at me.

We stay silent for while and tLking and footsteps was all that we could hear.

"You're worried aren't you?"

"Of course I am!" I snap but she doesn't seem fazed. "I needed to talk to you actually." She leans forward and so do I a little. "I wanted to ask about how you would feel about Mike seeing a therapist?" She says in a slight hushed voice, my eyes widen but I stay silent.

Should I take it?
But what if Mike doesn't want it?
It'll he good for him right? I mean.... It's just so he could get better..

"Mike's cast will be on for a month and his eye is slowly getting better, his lower area is okay but he'll be limping for awhile.... His mental health however.." I swallow down a lump in my throat and nod. "Chester sometimes therapy works but if he doesn't like it then I can call it off." She grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuringly, I squeeze back but stay silent.

He would be going through exactly what I had to go through

"Maybe he could go in for a couple of hours today? And see how it goes?" She tries on more time and I feel myself cave in.

Mike's a different person.. It could work for him

I nod.


I look at Mike as he slowly sits down, he winces when his bottom touches the seat and I look away.

I can't stand seeing him in pain

I hear a sigh and then the door opens, I look as I see a man with white hair walk in.

He's super freaking tall.

"Hi gentlemen, my name is Dr Dolby and I'll be here to help you." Dr Dolby gets comfortable in his seat and he smiles at us.

I force a smile back. "Are you Mike Shinoda?" He asks and I look at Mike, he tenses when he says 'Shinoda' and I smile softly at him.

He nods stiffly and me and Dr Dolby look at each other. "Chester Bennington?" I nod and he nods once. "Okay... Mike? Would you like Chester to go?" He asks and I look at Mike.

Mike's eyes widen and I bite my lip. "Mike..?" He looks at me but avoids my eyes. "If you want me to leave I can, I'll understand Mike.." I look at his hand and wonder if I should grab it, but I decide against it when he puts his hand in his lap.

I look at his face again and he looks at Dr Dolby. "L.... Le-Leave..." He stutters quietly and I slowly nod, I stand up and I look at him, I quickly peck his temple before walking outside the office.

I close the door behind me and I lean against it, I feel tears well up in my eyes and I put my face in my hands.

This is so not fucking fair..

I rub my eyes but they keep welling up.

So not fucking fair!

I grow frustrated and I push myself off the door, I walk up to the wall in front of me and I put my head against it. "I wish it was me..." I whisper to myself, my chest tightens and I let out a small whimper. "I-I fu.. Fucking love you M-Mike." I sob and I sit on the floor, I turn myself around so my back is against the wall and I bring my knees up to my chest, I sob into them and I just sit there sobbing.

I'm so, so sorry Mike..

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