Part 6

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Mike's POV

I sigh. "Chessss!" "Whaaaaaat?" "Puuuut meeee doooowwwn!" "Whyyyyyyy?" "Beeeccaaasuuusseee!" "Buuuuut!" "Nooooooo! Seriously, my legs are dead." He laughs and I let my legs flop. "Ugh! Now you're making it hard." He mutters and I snicker. "Uh huh." He puts me down on my legs and I fall to the floor. "Great." I roll my eyes and he stares down at me. "... Can I laugh?" I glare up at him but I can't even keep back my laughter. We both burst out laughing and Chester bends over holding his stomach. "You just..." He laughs even harder and I wrap my arms around my stomach. "I-I told you!" He wipes his tears away and sighs. "Eh.. What am I gonna do with you?" I wipe my tears and I look at him with my puppy dog eyes. "Love me?" He smiles widely and grabs my hand. "Oh I can defiantly do that." He answers and I blush. He pulls me up and I nearly fall again but he wraps my arm around his shoulder and holds my waist. "Sorry Mikey.." He looks at me with his puppy eyes and I giggle. "It's okay." I kiss his cheek and they turn red. "Awww." I poke his cheek and he glares at me. "Don't make it worse!" I giggle again and he chuckles. "C'mon! We're almost there." I nod and we start walking (me limping slightly). We walk across the road and I start having feel in my legs again. "Oh my god! I can walk!" I pull away from Chester and I stomp my feet around. He laughs. "Chester! I'm a real boy!" He laughs a little more and I giggle. "Seriously.. Stop giggling." He warns me and I giggle again. "Hey!" He picks me up and spins me around, I laugh and he puts me down.

I peck his lips and he smiles widely.

Everyone in the band and our fans know about us dating.

At first we weren't even cautious because we were so caught up in our moments together that, we just didn't care who saw.

Joe wouldn't stop screaming for a month.
Rob just didn't care.
Brad was okay with it.
Dave couldn't stop gushing over it for a week.
And Me and Chester were over joyed.

The fans.. Well..

All the Bennoda fans were screaming for us to kiss on stage and Chester was more than happy too.

I just blushed like an idiot.

Yes we got a lot of hate but we honestly didn't care..

I did at first and I had fell in depression and Chester took care of me through it, I just wanted people to be happy with it to be honest. Cause I was happy and I wanted everyone to be happy too.

Brad wasn't easy with it at first and he had made my depression worse.


Just sulked in my depression..
Yes call me pathetic but if you loved someone like how I loved Chester.. Then you would understand.

But no one on this planet can understand or have what me and Chester have.

No one..

"MIKKKKEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" I scream and jump about ten feet in the air, I put my hand over my fast beating heart and I take huge breaths. "FUCK!" I scream and I look at Chester who is dying with laughter. "Fuck you!" I yell at him playfully and he laughs even harder.

After a couple of minutes of calming down. Chester grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. "You okay?" He asks chuckling and I sigh. "Yeah, yeah.." I look away and I hear him aww at me. "I'll make it up to you.." He whispers in my ear and I shiver and blush madly.

Oh I hate how he can do that to me..

"O-Okay!" I smile widely and I drag him into the café, I see Felix and Steve in a booth talking, I look at the till and I see a woman that is staring at me.

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