Part 4

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No One's POV

Chester races down the hallway of the hospital he drove too.

He could've caused 5 accidents..

He runs into the waiting room and his eyes find his band mates.

1st question.

"How is he?"

Heads shake.

2nd question.

"Why the HELL is he in here?!"

Head shakes and shoulders shrug.

"And why the FUCK are you all here?! Why aren't you in there with Mike?!"

"They won't let us see him Che-" Chester stomps towards Mike's door but Dave and Rob stand up, Brad runs in front of Chester and blocks the door.

Joe stands up and watches as Dave and Rob walk towards Chester.

"Brad move out of the FUCKING WAY!!" Chester punches Brad in the face and he falls down, Dave grabs Chester's arms from behind and Rob goes to Brad's aid.

"Chester calm the fuck down man! You just punched Brad in the fucking face!!" Chester struggles against Dave. "Get the fuck off of me! I don't care I want to see Mike!!" Chester grunts and pushes himself back so Dave's back hits the wall.

Dave grunts in pain and his grip loosens on Chester, Chester breaks out of his grip and he bolts to the door.

He grabs the handle but another pair of stronger arms wrap around him. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Joe glares at Chester's head. "Fucking STOP!! This isn't helping ANYONE!!" Chester tries to struggle but only for the arms to tighten around him. "JOE! FUCK OFF!! LET ME SEE HIM! I NEED TO SEE HIM!" Joe shakes his head and kicks Chester's leg.

Not so hard so he's hurt but just so he falls to the ground.

Joe falls down with him and he pins him with both his knees on the left side of Chester.

Chester thrashes around but fails to break free.

He slowly starts losing energy and he feels his eyes stinging. "J-Joe! Just lemme see him... P-Please Joe.." He chokes out and Joe shakes his head. "I can't, they are in there trying to help him Ches.." He says softly and Chester starts sobbing. "W-What happened..?" Joe feels Chester go limp in his hold so he slowly let's go of him. "I don't know.. Brad does though." Chester grabs Joe's arm and slowly sits up.

He pushes himself against a wall and he looks at Brad whose nose is bleeding.

"Shit.." Chester mumbles. "B-Brad-" Brad smiles at Chester. "It's fine Ches.. I understand but!" Brad gently pushes Rob away and he stands up, he walks over to Chester and sits down besides him.

With one swift move Brad punches Chester's cheek, he yelps and touches his cheek. "Fuck!" Brad chuckles and leans his head back against the wall. "Even?" Chester gathers saliva in his mouth and spits out some blood.

He looks at Brad. "We're even you prick.." They share a chuckle before a heavy silence takes over.


"What happened?"
Brad takes a breath.
"My side? I was chilling with Rob.. And I went for a piss and suddenly my phone started ringing. I quickly washed my hands and picked it up and I heard a woman's voice, I checked the caller ID and it said that it was Mike, I was wondering if he cheated so I asked who she was and she said a concerned citizen who found Mike passed out, badly injured.. So I raced over to where she was and the ambulance was there and I called the rest of the guys, I went to Mike and I heard Joe tell Dave to call you."

Chester takes a shaky breath.

"Chester.... Why wasn't he with you?" Chester then tells him everything about the milk (Brad laughed at that bit) and how he bumped into Steve and everything that happened between them.

"So you punched him?" Chester nods.

"Dude maybe Mike went to go get revenge?" Dave pipes in and Chester's eyes widen.

"N-No.. Mike isn't like tha-" "I've known Mike since we were kids and his ex-boyfriends were his everything until they all broke his heart.. Anyway, Mike would do anything for them and if something like you and Steve happened to one of them? He would be on a killing spree." Brad interrupts him and Chester's mouth drops open.

'But Mike isn't like that' Was the thought that kept repeating in Chester's head.

Suddenly a bunch of doctors burst into the door.

"He needs examined immediately! He's bleeding badly and if we don't do something fast, he could get infected." Chester quickly stands up only to feel dizzy for getting up too fast.

"W-What's going on?" Chester asks as he re-gathers himself. One of the doctors look at him. "Sir-"

The door bursts open and 2 doctors are wheeling Mike out a room.

Chester gasps and covers his mouth in horror.

Mike's left eye is swollen and his nose is bent in a weird way.

His lip is busted up and his cheeks are red.

His arms are bleeding and his right arm was bent a little oddly and it was black and purple.

Weirdly... There was a lot of blood in the lower region..

"M-Mike.....?" Chester whispers and he feels his throat tighten.

A deafening silence.

All the band members were staring at Mike in complete shock and horror.

He looked at the doctor who was talking to him but no words were heard by him.

He had grabbed Chester's arm and Chester felt his legs weaken.

"Sir! You have to listen to me okay? He's gonna be okay, he's just gonna get examined and everything will be fine."

Chester blinks and his eyes meet the doctors blue ones.

"Wh-Why..? W... What's wrong with him?" Chester chokes out and the doctor gives him a sorrowful look.

"Mike Shinoda has been beaten so badly he went unconscious and he's broke an arm.. We discovered a ton of blood in the lower region and I'm afraid he needs examined to see if he was damaged."

Chester's mind goes blank and he grabs the doctors shoulders.

"H-He... Wha..."

"I'm sorry but he has been brutally raped."

Chester faints.

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