Chapter 25 ♥ Complete Denial

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The next day, Bahja woke up on the same position she was the night before on Princeton's couch. When she opened her eyes and saw the familiar setting with the brown walls and flat screened TV, she made a loud gasp soon pinching herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Star!" She shouted as she lifted off the couch.

"Star- where the hell are we?!"

When she got no response, she stood up and immediately froze, letting the fact that she was back at Princeton's condo sink in. She covered her mouth with both of her hands as she walked into the kitchen and touched everything that was in it.

"No..." She said, lowly.

"Roc? ROC?"

Without barely thinking, she ran to the staircase, straight to Princeton's old room hoping that he'd be there. Roc!" She yelled as she opened the door.

Sadly, there was no one there. She looked around the room and examined just how much it'd change. The bed spread went from brown, to a silky red color. The curtains were a dark burgundy, and hanged down to the floor from the windows. It smelled like cinnamon candles throughout the bathroom and the room. She squinted her eyes, realizing that things had changed since Princeton "died."

Thinking Roc would be there, she ran to the guest room and paused once she saw its light green color.

"What the hell?"

As she looked down, she realized that there were blood splatters on her black tights. Thinking it was her period, she took some tissue and put it in her underwear, completely unaware of her situation.

For the next four hours, she had no choice but to stay at the house and freak out. Her ovaries were killing her from the birth she didn't even realize she had, but it was mistaken for menstrual cramps.

Meanwhile, Stephanie was left to keep the baby. She couldn't take the fact of having to stay in the house on her day off with Bahja, so she took it around with her.

At 5:39 PM, Roc arrived home from one of the guys he worked with named John. He was black and had a low haircut.

"Thanks, John!" Roc smiled as he closed the car door. "No problem, Roc."

After he drove off down the road, Roc took his key out and walked into the house. Once he saw Bahja sitting on the couch, he gasped a little, not used to her being there. Bahja bit her lip, and looked down. The last time she'd seen Roc, they weren't on good terms at all. The rage Roc had in his eyes when she last saw him was enough to scare a murderer off. She nervously looked up at him and sat up from the couch.

"Roc...." She sighed.

"I know the last time-"

"No, no. There's no need to bring the past back up. I forgive you for all that you've done." Roc said in a calm voice as he gently laid his hand on her shoulder.

"Wait, you want to forgive me?" Bahja said, shocked. "Bahj, I know what happened in the past. Lets live in the moment and start fresh again. Prince should be here in a little while-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Prince? He's alive?"

"Well, of course! If Prince was dead, you would've seen that mess all over the news."

Bahja closed her eyes and placed her hand over her chest. "You don't know how good that just made me feel. Prince is alive! How the hell did he survive that shot?!"

"It was a blow to the shoulder. It didn't do too much apparently if he's still alive." Roc said, smirking. Bahja shook her head in disbelief. She immediately jumped on Roc and hugged him tightly around his neck. His stomach muscles tightened as her small legs wrapped around them.

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