Chapter 12 ♥ Confrontation

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Meanwhile, Bahja walked all the way back home. She put her black hoodie on so that no fans or family would spot her out, and also a pair of ray bans. When she arrived 20 minutes later at A$ap's house, she went in and took a hot, 1 hour shower. No one was there, so it was perfect.

The soothing warmness of the water calmed her down the most. It was the most she'd been relaxed in a while.

As she rested her neck on the border of the white tub, and closed her eyes to think, she thought about killing Princeton. He was the most caring guy she'd known besides her dad. He was the one who tried to help her. He was the first guy she'd came in sexual contact with besides her Chinese rapist, Zonni. The more she thought it out, the more of a headache she'd gotten.

At the restaurant, she didn't want to leave! But if she faced Princeton again with the bruise on his nose that came from her, she would've had a stroke. There was no worse feeling than seeing someone she really cared about hurt by her feelings; and the fact that he didn't show any remorse from the fight they had the other night killed her even more inside.

Fifteen minutes later, she stood up and let all of the water swirl down the drain. The water and soap suds slid down her slim, yet curvy body, and her pink, wet hair stuck to her back. She took a towel and made her way out of the shower. It was only 10:00 AM, so there was still a full day ahead of her. Once she dried off, she put on her pink , adult-sized onesie and headed towards the living room.

There, she made herself some popcorn and watched her favorite movie, Bonnie & Clyde.

A few hours later, it was 2:00 PM, and she woke up on the couch. Pop corn stuck to her face and her drool was also spread around on her cheek.

"Oh, wow," she said as she looked at the huge window in front of her. The sun was shining bright through the blinds, making shadows on the floor. "I need something to do. BESIDES Russian roulette."

She looked all around the house for something to do. There was absolutely nothing. A$ap had all of the movies in the world, but she didn't want to watch TV all day. It was finally time for her to do the one thing she hated to do, and that was cleaning.

"Uugh.." She groaned as she grabbed the broom from the corner and swept the floor.

For three hours straight, she did nothing but non-stop cleaning. She wiped the windows down, vacuumed all of the carpet and the hardwood floors, sanitized the bathrooms, and straightened up A$ap's room. She made sure to do everything to keep her mind off of playing the game.

An hour later, both A$ap and Star walked into the house.

They were both giggling into each other's faces and holding bags of left over food from a fancy restaurant.

"Hey, guys!" Bahja squealed as she dropped the broom.

"I was SO bored without y'all!"

They didn't say anything. They kept gazing into each other's eyes until finally they broke out into kissing.

"Woah!" Bahja giggled nervously. "What happened here?" The two fell onto the couch, starting to tongue kiss. "You guys!" Bahja shouted as she jumped up and down and waved we arms.

"Guys! I'm still here, you know!"

A$ap stopped kissing Star then looked up at Bahja.

"Oh, hey, Bahja!" He smiled as he lifted up from Star. "Sorry, we were just having... a little moment."

Bahja stared at Star. Her lipstick was all over her face, and she had hickies all over her neck.

"I can see.."

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