Chapter 7 ♥ A$AP

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Princeton drove his used car he'd bought two weeks before two minutes down the street, nervously, thinking of what mess Bahja could've gotten herself into. Finally, when he pulled into the driveway, Bahja was nowhere in site. He turned the key in the ignition back so that the car would be turned off and hopped out, slowly.

"Damnit, Bahja. Where are you?" He thought as he pulled his phone out to text her. All of a sudden, someone grabbed his face and shoulder from behind and pulled him into a wooded area by the store.

"What the hell?!" He yelled through their hands, while trying to claw at their fingers. They pulled him into a ditch, causing him to fall back on them.

"Princeton!" Bahja shrieked.

Princeton squinted his eyes up and looked back at the her. "Bahja? What is going on? Why'd you pull me in here?"

"No time for that, right now. Roc is over by that tree knocked out cold."

She pointed to a tree twenty feet away from them.

"Roc is here?!" Princeton gasped with his eyes widening. "He ran away too?"

"Yeah...." Bahja lied. "Just help me, okay?"

Princeton nodded his head and hopped off of her. He was still very upset, but Roc being there made his day. They picked Roc's body up and carried him to the car, without anyone seeing them, and drove on back home.

"Okay, just put him down on the couch an let him cool off." Bahja told Prince while closing the door and looking at Roc.

"Oh, no. He's going in our bed."

"Really? You want to haul his huge body all the way up to that tiny stair case?"

Princeton took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He lifted up from looking down at Roc's face and glared at Bahja. "Would you want to be treated like this if you were knocked out? Huh? Or would you rather wake up in a warm, cozy bed?"

"Prince, it's Roc!" Bahja laughed. "He'll be alright sleeping on a damn dungeon wall."

"Good. I'll make sure and remember that when you get knocked out one day." Prince mumbled under his breath.

"What'd you say?" Bahja said, with her hands on her hips.

Princeton didn't answer, he just pulled Roc up on the couch, and laid by him.

"Oh. That's what I thought." She said while rolling her eyes.

Two minutes later, he looked up at Bahja.

"Hey, how did he get knocked out?" He asked.

"I actually kidnapped him from his hotel."

"You WHAT?"

"Prince, what was I supposed to do? You weren't talking to me, and I thought he would make you feel better!"

"What- Oh my- Bahja.." He stuttered, lost for words. "Bahja, are you CRAZY?"

She pulled her pink hair back an grabbed the ice pack she made for Roc. "Prince, I did it for you. Trust me, you'll be happy I did it."

She walked over to Roc and gently laid the ice pack on his forehead. There was a bruise on his head from when he ran into the tree. He moved his head a little and tightened his eyes.

Prince stood up and put his hands through his hair. "So YOU knocked him out?!" He yelled.

"I didn't knock him out! He ran into a tree when I was chasing after him!"

"We can't have him here, girl! We could get into SO much trouble for this! We've both ran away and you kidnapped someone."

"You're not going to call the police are you?" She asked while standing up to his face.

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