Chapter 23 ♥ Ectopic

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Bahja sat on the floor in so much pain, that she couldn't even scream. She arched her back and cuffed her stomach as she let out muffled groans.

Star and the man sat on the couch with their palms resting under their chins. "Aren't you going to do anything?" The man yelled.

"I don't know what to do- I mean.... it's better if we just let her calm down. We don't want to.... let her over heat.." Star said, not knowing what she was talking about.

"Are you sure? I- I don't need to be on the news as a man who kidnapped two girls and had one to die in his house."

"Don't say that! She's not going to die!" Star cried as the man gave her a crazy look.

"..... she probably is having a slight side affect from the medicine I gave her earlier."

The man sighed and rested his palm back under his chin. He was nervous, but decided to let Star do what she supposedly knew best.

An hour passed, and Bahja got no better. Finally, she shot up from the floor. "NIQUE."

"What?!" Star gasped.


That Wednesday, Stephanie was off; but Princeton still had to go to work. He tied his work apron on and grabbed his keys that laid on the counter. When he opened the door, someone jumped from out of the bushes, and tackled him down straight to the cement.

"What the!" He screamed.

"Sir, you're under arrest." The cop yelled while sitting up and violently cuffing him. Princeton's eyes bulged as he felt the cold, metal cuffs touch his skin.

"Officer, there has got to be some kind of mistake!" He yelled.

"Do you know where Miss Bahja Rodriquez is?"

"Well.... she moved after she left me here-"

"AHA. That's proof. You're coming down to the jail with me."

He didn't recite the Miranda warning, not the Princeton was educated on being arrested anyways. He just gave away hardcore proof that he could've lied about during court.

An hour passed and Princeton was in a cell with four other normal people, waiting for him to go make a call.

He stayed against the wall, looking down so he wouldn't have to make eye contact with any of the others.

They were too busy arm wrestling or arguing anyways. Fifteen more minutes passed, and a guard started to open the cell.

"Mr. Perez?" He called out as he scanned the cell. "Oh, that's me! That's me!" Prince said as he ran around the other jailed men.

"Alright, Mr. Perez, you can make a 3 minute call to whoever could come and bail you out if you want. If not, you can stay in here until your court fair awaits." The officer said, picking up the black pay phone.

"Yeah! Yeah, yeah.... Just... gimme the phone!"

Prince snatched it and immediately called Roc. As he dialed his number, the phone only rung twice, then he picked up.

"ROC!" Prince yelled.

"Prince? What the hell are you calling me from a detention center for?"

"Never mind that, Roc! Look, I need you to bail me out today. I'll explain the rest later."

Roc sighed and sat still for a few seconds. "Alright. I'll be there. How much is it for the bail?"

".... only $500-"

Bahja Roulette (Bahja and Jacob story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن