Chapter 21 ♥ Rock bottom

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Babydoll gave him a nervous facial expression and sat up onto the chair, covering up her large breasts.

"Hi, Prince.."

"Babydoll? Are you kidding me, what the hell are you doing here? We just had sex! What the-"

Princeton was so lost for words, he couldn't even speak correctly.

"I know, Prince! I know. Long story short, my friends are gone. And you and Roc were gone! So when I found this club, I just decided to be a stripper. The OMG Girlz is over and done with. I'm eighteen, and they can't find Bahja NOR Star. What am I supposed to do?"

Princeton continued to stare at her in shock. He quickly covered his penis and put all of his clothes on. 'Babydoll, I mean, we just had SEX. Us two! What the hell? Did you even know it was me?"

"Of course I knew it was you.."

"We are friends! Friends! Why would you want to do that?" Princeton yelled.

"I didn't know you'd be this upset first of all. And I.. I thought it would be fun to experiment with you. You were my first time." she smiled.

Princeton wasn't flattered at all. He'd taken so many girls virginity that it was like a second nature type thing; but Babydoll, he didn't EVER want to have sex with one of Bahja's friends.

He shook his hand and ran out the door, looking for Roc. The red light hit his face and it temporarily blinded him as he scanned the room. He finally spotted him sitting by a darker girl with a long ponytail down her back. "Roc! Come one.. we have to go." he yelled as he sprinted towards the two.

Roc rolled his eyes and wrote his number down on a napkin as the girl smiled at him. "Call me, sweet cheeks, alright?" he laughed. The girl giggled and took the napkin.

As they walked out the club into the Atlanta night air, Prince had his arms crossed.

"What's wrong with you, Prince?"

"Nothing.. it's nothing." he lied.

Roc didn't want to get into another argument, so he just decided to be patient, knowing Princeton's bi-polar nature.

"Well, did you enjoy it?"

"It was interesting..."

Roc stopped then crossed his arms, placing a cocky smirk on his face. "See... I told you that you would have a good time!"

Princeton unlocked the door and hopped into the car as quickly as he could. The hole ride back, he was silent.

That night, he went straight to bed. He didn't tell Stephanie about anything either; mainly because she was already asleep. The next day, Stephanie and Prince both drove their cars separately to work. When Princeton arrived first, he unlocked the doors to the building and headed straight towards the kitchen, trying his best to avoid her. On the inside was empty, because he opened everyday. He made his way to the back door to open it for the delivery man who gave them their stock of ingredients to make the food. Once he turned around, Stephanie was standing right in front of him.

"Woah!" he jumped.

Stephanie had her arms crossed, but wasn't serious. "So, how was your time last night? I saw how you were trying to avoid me this morning."

Princeton squinted his eyes then walked pass her, stacking the cups up to avoid eye contact.

"I wasn't trying to avoid you, chick! I had- I had to get here earlier for the delivery man."

"The delivery man comes everyday and you don't get up that early." she giggled.

"Wait... why are you so suspicious? You think I don't want to tell you what happened?"

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