Chapter 14 ♥ The Way It Hurts

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When Bahja opened the door, something very cold and hard hit against her head, causing her to stumble back a little. She quickly let out a loud groan and dropped her tote bag as she cuffed her forehead. As her vision cleared up, she saw Roc standing directly in front of her with a metal baseball bat in his head.

"Roc! What the hell is wrong with you?!" she yelled while backing up.

Roc stepped forward towards her with the bat clenched in his left hand, mean mugging her out of the house.

"I know JUST what you're planning on doing! You hurt Prince, and I swear I'll be going to jail that day." he hissed as he kept stepping towards her.

Her eyes bulged as she took in what he just said. She was sure A$ap didn't know Roc, and she'd never mention killing Princeton around them. She shook her head out of confusion and cuffed it some more with both of her hands.

"Roc, what the- Who told you that?"

"Oh, I heard you with that boy you was hanging out with the other night. I heard all of the conversation including when you discussed killing Prince. Bahja, how could you?" he shook his head, still pacing towards her with the bat in his hand.

All of a sudden, she remembered when Star told her that she called Roc to make sure A$ap wouldn't kill Princeton. It all made since then.

"Oh!" she laughed, trying to ease the moment. "Roc, see what happened was... A$ap... he-he's a very different type of guy-"

Roc lunged towards her and swung the bat at her head. She quickly ducked right in time. If the bat wouldv'e hit her, she would've been knocked out cold.

"Roc! I'm not going to kill Princeton!" she yelled as she stood back up.

"Forget that. I'm taking your behind out right now." he tightened his jaw and tightened his grip up around the bat. Then, he swung as hard as he could, missing her again.

She ran straight pass him, into the house. Out of breath and horrified, she locked the door and sat up against it.

"Now I can breathe.." she sighed as she held her head.

There was then another big knock that caused the door to shake.

"OPEN UP!" Roc shouted. He yelled it louder and louder until it started turning into screaming. One neighbor looked out the window and called 911.

"Bahja, what's wrong?" Princeton asked while running down the stairs in his white robe. His hair was wet, and slicked back with gel, showing that he just got done taking a shower.

"Oh, my god Prince! I am so happy to see you!" Bahja ran up to him and squeezed around his waist as tight as she could. When she let go, she started panting again. "Prince, Roc is out there and he is going to kill me!"

"Wait, wait, wait... Bahja, calm down." he said in a confused voice. "Sit down on the couch and tell me what is wrong."

"I can't sit down on the couch and be calm, Prince! Don't you see?!" she pointed to the window. "ROC is TRYING to KILL me. He has one of your metal ass baseball bats in his hand!"

"Hold on, let me see this.."

Princeton walked calmly to the huge window that exposed the front yard. He saw Roc getting shoved into the back of a S.W.A.T Team truck. He jumped as he watched them pound him with their heavy, protective shields. He finally stopped kicking and screaming when they tazed him with a tazer and proceeded carrying him into the back of the truck.

"Woah..." Princeton said, surprised. He turned to Bahja then squinted his eyes. "Bahja, what did you do?"

"Prince, I didn't do anything! He attacked me, thinking that I was going to kill you- and- and I don't know! I'm just confused!" she grabbed the top of her head with both of her hands, starting to breathe in and out uncontrollably.

Bahja Roulette (Bahja and Jacob story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora