Chapter 19 ♥ Now

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Meanwhile, with A$ap, he'd been jailed for the ordering of crystal meth from his debt card- the order Star made the week before. He spent the night in jail, not having a clue what he was in for, with another men in his cell.

"Mr.. Rakim, will you be nice enough to come with us and answer these questions." A 63 year old, white police officer asked as he held his clip board in his hand.

A$ap made a sigh of relief and hopped off of his bed as quickly as he could. There was a spasm in his back from the hard and stiff cushion. The officer led him into the interrogation room where he sat on a cold, wooded chair.

"Mr. Rakim.." the officer grunted as he sat down and removed his glasses.

"We, uh.. our system detected an order of.. crystal meth?"

A$ap bawled his whole face up and snapped his neck. "Crystal meth? Nah, man. Y'all have the wrong guy!"

"You're saying you didn't order any? Are you sure?"

"I'm positive, Mr. Officer. I don't do hardcore drugs like that.. only cigarettes."

The officer smirked, exposing the wrinkles in his face. He slipped out a sheet of paper and handed it to A$ap. "We have the record from the website, It has your debit card on it."

"Heck no!! Y'all ain't got the correct man's debit-" He paused, as he saw the sheet. His debit card number and the order of crystal meth was right there before his eyes. "What the hell?"

"So that isn't your credit card and your order?"

"No, man.. I mean, it-it is my card but I don't recall ordering that. Can I see the date?" A$ap asked, squinting his eyes from how confused he was getting. The officer handed the sheet to him, and he eyed it. It had the date of the week before, April 15, 2013. It had one order of the drug along with the tools that helped to operate it.

"That- that was not me who ordered that! Somebody must've hacked into my bank account and gotten that! I never ordered any of that!!" he yelled as he stood up and pointed to the paper.

"Mr. Rakim, calm down. We will have you tested. There are thousands of drug cases out there and we can never really tell when someone is lying or telling the truth. Now are you sure that you didn't order that?" the officer asked as he lowered his head down at him.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life!"

"Okay, then. Stand up. You'll have your trial in court. We'll try our best to find whoever 'hacked' into your account."

A$ap sighed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.

"Thank you! So am I able to go?"

"Oh, no, sir. Sorry, but you're under our custody now. Crystal meth is a serious drug and we have to know what's up."

He grabbed A$ap by his arm and pulled him to his cell.

"Wait- but I didn't order it! Can't we take a lie detector test or something!?"

He ignored him, continuing escorting him back to his cell.

"ROC!"Stephanie groaned as she dug her nails into his biceps.

Roc pumped into her more and more, having the covers to fall down from their waist. The room was filled with heavy breathing and moaning, most of it coming from Stephanie.

"Don't ... stop.. moving your waist like that.." Roc moaned as he collapsed onto her, causing their friction to send their minds into nothing but ecstacy. Stephanie rolled her hips as Roc held onto her tiny arms, pinning them down to the bed and grinding into her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, as she felt his hot, sweaty, and muscular abs rub against her stomach. Ten more pumps, and Roc was finished. "Hot damn.." Roc moaned as he took deep breaths into her ear.

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