Chapter 24 ♥ Rude Awakening

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The door slowly opened, and Star stood there, shaking the baby in the process. As the man held Bahja, he looked back at her face. She was turning pale. He was concerned, but he didn't let that get to him.

When the door opened, there stood Prince. "What the...." He muttered, becoming stiff.

He stood there, speechless. "Prince..... You're alive?" Star said, dropping her jaw. She stared at his pale face and his puffier afro.

He placed his hands over his eyes and shook his head. "Look who decided to come back! Get away from me before I wrap my hands around your throat and do something I probably should but won't regret.."

"Prince, I understand how angry you must be but we HAVE to talk!"

"Talk about what? What the hell is there for you to say, huh?"

"I think it'd be better if you sat down."

"No! Tell me now-"

"Please! Please, Prince." Star begged as she passed the tiny baby to him.

"Is this Bahja's?" He gasped, not wanting to pick it up.

"It is! Just... can we sit down?"

He bit his lip, not knowing what to do. It'd been THREE months since he'd seen the two; especially Bahja's gorgeous smile and her long, pink hair.

"Come in..." He groaned. Star shut her eyes out of relief and led the man to the couch where he placed Bahja on.

"Thank you so much, once again!" Star nodded. He smiled then made his way to the door.

Once she turned back from the door, she bumped into Princeton who stood there with his arms crossed.

"Prince, move!" She laughed.

"Get the heck out of my house, now. And hand me the damn baby."

"I can't go! Are you serious?"

Princeton grabbed the baby, and pushed Star's shoulder, knocking her down.

"Thanks to YOU, I have shoulder pains every damn day, I have this big ass medical bill to pay,I went through a 3 month depression. I think you've done enough. Get the heck out before I do something I'll regret."


"What part did you not understand?" He yelled, squinting his eyes.

Star pulled the revolver from the back of her pants and made her way over to Bahja. "Let me stay, or I'll shoot her." Star threatened.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, so you're daring me now?" Star said, getting smart.

Prince looked down at the baby then back at Bahja. He couldn't risk her life.

"Alright. You can stay." He sighed.

Prince didn't care that much anyways. The fact that Bahja had a baby took him by a way bigger surprise. He looked at the baby peacefully sleeping and it hit him. He had a child; both him and Bahja. That night he had sex with her must've been when it was conceived.

Later that night, Roc returned from work. When he saw Bahja and Star sitting on the couch, he paused and stepped back out the door. When he walked back in, he shook his head and turned the TV off.

"Oh, no. PRINCE, get the HELL down here!" He screamed as he snatched his hoodie off of his body.

"Hey, Roc.." Prince said, lowly.

He carried the baby girl in his hands with a tiny bottle of formula in the bottle.

"And what the hell is that?!" Roc shrieked.

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