The poor kid was traumatised, I tried my hardest to comfort him but he only wanted Bella. I watch him as he stares blankly at the TV screen, still holding Bella's hand. I take my phone out and snap a picture. 

Me: Mind if I take a picture, and post it? 

Justin: Sure, I guess. 

He still doesn't look in my direction. I post the picture on instagram first, explaining that Bella was sick and to pray for her. Then twitter, before I posted it I looked at the time, it was 3. Justin was just finishing sound check by now and showering and getting dressed for the meet greet, which I was pretty sure wasn't happening. 

Me: Meet and greet is in an hour, want me to cancel it and we can do it after the concert? 

He looked over at me, tears in his eyes. 

Justin: I never once asked you to do this before, and I feel horrible about doing it, but I have to take care of Bella. Cancel the concert, and we'll do it as soon as we know what's wrong with her.

His voice was low, almost like if he got any louder he would burst into tears. He looks back at the TV and tweet the picture, alone with the show's canceled because Bella's sick and to pray. I put my phone back in my pocket and just stare at him. I felt bad for him, I was worried to, he's never told me to cancel a show once, and now he's doing it for this girl. She must mean a whole lot to him if he's canceling a show because she's sick. He really loved her. There's a knock on the door and a doctor walks in. He's carrying a clipboard, he's hair is salt and pepper colored, he's got wrinkles around his eyes and where's glasses, around my height. I stand up to shake his hand. Justin still doesn't move. 

Me: I'm Scott. 

Doctor: I'm doctor Chance. 

He walks over to Justin and stands over the bed looking at Bella. 

Dr Chance: Hello Justin, I'm doctor Chance, mind if I could talk to you and Scott for a minute? 

Justin: Sure I guess. 

The doctor pulls up a chair to the table and sets the clipboard down, I turn the TV off so Justin will pay attention. He turns his head but still holds Bella's hand. 

Dr Chance: Well. It looks to use like a drug overdose. 

I look right towards Justin, he had to be kidding me right. 

Justin: Bella doesn't do drugs. She never has and never will. 

Dr Chance: Sometimes you don't know as much about a person as you think. 

Justin: She doesn't do drugs. 

I could hear his voice getting fierce. 

Me: What was the drug? 

Dr Chance: We did test and scan for many, and it seems multiple drugs came up on her spread. We analyzed them all and came up with the drug molly. 

Me: What's that? 

Dr Chance: Molly has been a common drug lately and everyone is trying it. We've had alot of teens in here who have overdosed on it. You pop one and you're sweating within minutes. But let me explain why. Molly is a drug made up of cocaine, crack, ecstasy, meth and bath salts. It slows your heart rate ten times normal speed and reeks havoc on your immune system, with only one pill. Take two and it damages your brain without you even being able to realize it. By the fifth one it starts killing your organs and preventing them from functioning as normal. It increases you chance of stroke and heart attack and can cause your lungs to stop functioning. It's a very powerful  and dangerous drug and it's more harmful then crack itself. Many rappers are promoting it to involve young people in the selling and using of the drug. It does and can kill people, it happens everyday. 

I look at Justin who's head is in both of his hands, I can hear him crying. 

Me: Do you really believe she took it? 

Dr Chance: How else would it have got into her system? 

Justin stands up and walks a few inches towards us then stops. 

Justin: I said this not once, but twice and I'm about to tell you again! BELLA DOESN'T FUCKING DO DRUGS! You better fucking check your work again doctor because you're fucking wrong. I've known Bella my whole life and she would never even touch drugs. This hospital is bullshit! 


He opens and runs out the door and down the hallway. 

Me: I'm so sorry, I really am. He knows better to act like that. 

Dr Chance: It's fine, that's how all the teens react when I tell them their friends, for family have OD'd. 

Me: I should go after him. 

I shake the doctors hand and run after Justin, how could he act like that, honestly. 

I fell in with my bestfriend- A Justin Bieber love story {BOOK 1}  (complete)Where stories live. Discover now