I was in a happy world.. but it didn't last long...

Start from the beginning

He didn't reply after that. OH GOD!! he actually got angry.

I'm so stupid. He texted me for the first time, and I ruined it. I typed I'm sorry when my phone beeped.

"Now, you have seen it. Can you answer my question? So, I can focus on my work." His reply came after 20 minutes.

Thank God, he replied.

"Yes, I'm absolutely fit and fine. Thanks for asking....
P.S: SORRY!! for my childish behaviour :( "

I waited for his reply but it never came. Just then, my mobile started ringing.

He is calling.... my heart accelerated its speed. But it was not him. It was khala, Sighing, I received the call.

She told me that her friends have come. And all are wishing me good health and also said that my friend is asking for me. She wants to come meet me and I was okay with that. Yes, I was still in my Night Pjs. But I knew who can that be. It must be Suman.

But when the door opened. It left me in shock.

It was beenish.

She was dressed in a black top and jeans. She was fully accessorized. And her eyes were roaming all over me, she was sure judging me with her looks.

I finally said, "Assalam-u-Alekum." She was in my home. It was my duty to be hospitable. She just nod and came inside.

"I wanted to see this room. I hope you don't mind. I have spent a great time here with Zaky." She walked around the room leaving me perplexed.

What is she talking about...

Different scenarios ran in my mind but I focused on her only.

"How are you? I'm sorry about your injury." She asked inspecting our room.

Sorry, my foot. She didn't even care about your existence.

"I'm fine." I said slowly.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a second." She asked again. She didn't even hear what I said.

I was fuming with anger. How can someone be this rude and fake. I controlled myself and motioned her to sit.

"So, Daneen, are you happy with him." Why is she imposing that I'm some criminal and she is interrogating me.

Because you are letting her, over power you.

Yes, my subconscious was right. I was behaving like I have committed a crime. I embraced myself and sat properly.

"Yes, I'm very happy with him. Thank you for asking." I said as politely as I could.

Showing her your manners won't do any good. Show her badass Daneen.

I wasn't ready to follow my inner Daneen's advice yet.

"Ohh really, that's very good." She made a face but hid it perfectly well.

"Why don't you and Zaky join me this Saturday. My friends are throwing me a party."

"What.. no, no thank you." Why is she inviting me when she clearly despises me.

"Come on, Zaky loves my parties. He used to attend all of them." She said holding my hands, like her life depended on it.

Another hit direct to my heart. It just hurt knowing that they were close to each other.

"Okay.." I couldn't say no. I never felt this weak in my entire life. I thought I could take her easily. But she had something that I didn't have. She had his past.

Zaky's p.o.v

I wanted to text her the minute I came in my office. I was hardly concentrating on my work. Images of her and her limping form kept disturbing me.

After lunch I texted her. We exchanged some texts and my mood lifted automatically. It was clear to me. I like talking to her. I like her childish behavior and our little fights.

Her replies came in seconds. Does it means she likes it too...

False hopes will lead you nowhere.

I busied myself with work and didn't text her then.

When I came home. I heard laughters. Mom must have gathered her friends again. I followed their voices and went inside.

"Ohh Zaky dear, you have come finally. We were just leaving. But it's good to see you." Farheen aunty shook my hand and tap on my shoulders. She was standing when I entered the room.

"It's good to see you too, Mrs. Shahwar." I said politely.

"Would you mind if I go to my room." I wanted to see her. I wanted to make it sure that she is fine.

"Yes, yes why not." She said.

"Why are you in a hurry." Someone else said clearing her throat. And it was not difficult to recognize her. It was Bee. She came forward to greet me and I stopped her. I didn't want to upset Daneen.

"This is how you treat your guests. Atleast learn something from your wife." She said pointing a finger towards our kitchen.

Daneen was standing there. Why was she in the kitchen. I specifically told her not to come down. She not only came down, she was also working. Angered filled me and before I could control, I shouted.

"Why is she here, Mom." She stopped working and looked at me.

"Didn't I tell you not to let her come down." I shouted again.

"Son, she was.....

"I came on own. It's not her fault." She said.

It was enough to drove me crazy.

"I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU...." I bang my fist and the last thing, I heard, was a sound of, something broken.

I tried providing you with a longer chapter as an apology...

I hope you like it..

All my readers are amazing. I read every single comment and it made me happy..

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