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Hi! This is Bella!!! How are you all? I hope you are all great. I have to get something off my chest if that is ok. There are these two people on wattpad (my sisters know about them) they now have the whole world chasing after me. Because of you two I had 2 hate accounts after me. I already have anxiety, major depression, OCD, obesity, and pain. I am just really upset that there are people like that on here. I did nothing to them. I told my sisters and I don't feel like telling everyone else what happened. I go to school everyday scared. I wear a sweater and leggings ever day. I keep my hair down and keep my glasses on to hide myself as much as possible. I hate drawing attention to myself. There are people at school who judge me and look at me. When I stand up I pull my skirt down because I am so self conscious. People at my old school to this day call me,
"Miss Mustache" just because of my genetics that make my hair thicker.
"Smart-Ass" just because of my grades.
"Curry Girl" just because I like curry and my house smells like curry.
"Elephant obsessed" HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!?! i don't even know the story behind this one
And worst of all,
"Creepy" you know who called me that? By best friend of 10 years. 10 YEARS.

Then there are the girls who really care about me like, TheIdiotInABox and my other little sister, silvervariant
At school I am all smiley happy and laughing but in reality this is all that goes through my head,
"Am I laughing to much?"
"How much of my double chin is showing?" (I even try to get rid of it to come back again)
"Everyone at our table is pretty except me"

Once I am almost happy stuff like this happens all over again you know why? I feel like I am cursed. The ugly twin in fairy-tales.

Many people don't know this. I write because I love to believe me but, there is another reason also. I have to have an arranged marriage. I write because it is my only comfort from cruel reality. My family likes that I write just because I am famous....
All they say is,
"Study. Become a doctor. Go to med school have kids then do what you want"
THAT SOUNDS AWFUL! That is not living
I want to be a writer (the next J.K Rowling would be nice), travel all over the world and enjoy my life! (Maybe become a Mangaka also..)
And when my comfort is stolen from me, I can't enjoy it anymore.

For my old sisters who wanted to treat me like trash? Saying that I was never your sister. Wow. That hurts. (no sarcasm)
That I wanted fame from you? No I would be happy f only one person read my story. Even if that person is my mother!
So. I hope you all have a great day and remember, never judge a book by its cover. Never judge people for what they can't control. And love yourself. Oh and also, if I see you bad people who normally leave mean shit on my writing again? I am done writing for good. You know who you are.

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