Coming Home

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Once we knew he was dead we walked toward the area where the portal was.
"Thank you Luffy..." I said while blushing.
He noticed and then smirked.
"It's no problem doll face" he said.

My face lit on fire when he said that.
"W-What did you call me?!?!" I said while walking to the portal area trying to sound offended.

"I called you doll face" said Luffy.
Since Luffy was almost 20 he was more mature and brave and a bit more...pervy...

We walked through the portal and arrived at the ship.
Everyone stared at us in wide eyes.

I was in my Demon Queen outfit and Luffy was in his (as I like to call it) Demon King outfit.
Usopp came up to us admiring Luffy's wings.
After everyones lovey dovey fest the crew decided to throw a party for our safe return and the death of Igaru.

Sanji made a huge feast which was AMAZBALLZ!!!!!
Everyone was in the kitchen laying music dancing or drinking.
Me and Luffy went outside to get some air.

We both sat on the figure head of the Sunny.
Luffy looked at me smirking.
I looked at him confused.

He took his hat off and then kept it on both of our necks.
So it blocked out the others view.
I looked at him smirking and blushing.

I pocked his nose.
Then he just laughed at that.
Once all of the laughing ceased.

We kissed me.
And I kissed back.

And the whole scene was turning into a major make out session.
Everyone was still inside.
I kept my arms around his neck and he kept his hands on my stomach.

We kept on kissing until we were interrupted by a smirking Zoro.
he walked up to us and removed the hat blocking us.
And right there was the whole crew smirking.

Both of our faces were a blushing mess.
We both looked at each other then looked away.
I jumped off of the figure head and awkwardly walked past everyone into the girls room.

I was in my room still blushing walking back and forth to cool the blush off my face.
And in came Nami and Robin.

"Oh hey guys" I said trying to make it sound like nothing happened.
"Ok I understand catching you and Luffy sucking each others faces off once but twice?!?!? oh my god thats just rich!!!!" said Nami laughing her ass off.
And Robin in the background laughing also.

They kept on teasing me.
"I'm surprised your not pregnant yet!!!!" laughed Nami.
I looked at her angrily and then ran out of the room near tears.
Nami and Robin then looked confused.

I ran to the crows nest.
Once I went there I sat there looking at the moon.
"Look i'm really sorry about what I said..." said Nami.

I looked at her then smiled.
And I looked at Robin also and told them to both sit down with me.

"Guys the only reason i'm upset is that...

i'm unable to have kids..." I said softly.
They looked at me shocked then sadly.
"I can but I only have a 25% chance..." I explained.

Thats when they enveloped me in a big group hug.
I hugged back.
'Please don't tell Luffy...I want to tell him myself..." I said.

Both the girls nodded in understanding.
They hugged me again and then left to let me have some time alone.

After  (y/n) left I sat there blushing still.
Then I hopped off and walked awkwardly then sprinted towards my room.
I locked the door and lied down on my bed.

I lied there just to relax and feel better.
Then I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" I said as I unlocked the door.

I climbed on top of my bed and got my journal out and started to draw (y/n) as her Demon Queen form and me in my Demon King form.
And in came all of the boys.

"Hey guys..." I said while focussing on my picture.
Zoro and Usopp looked at it really impressed.
"So...about earlier..." started Usopp.

"Yeah what about it?" I said starting to get slightly angry.
Zoro noticed it then said.
"We'll forget it if you want us to".

Then he glared at the boys who nodded furiously.
"So you're turning 20 soon huh?" asked Sanji lighting a cigarette.

"Yeah" I say while drawing.

"When are you turning 20?" asked the boys.
"Next week" I say looking up then looking down continuing to draw.
They all looked shocked on how I could say that with near no emotion.

"What do you want for your birthday Luffy-san?" asked Brooke.
I just shrugged.
With this Usopp Franky and Brooke ran out of the room.

Chopper walked up to me and asked, "I don't mean to ruin the mood but I need to tell you something".
I looked at him then raised an eyebrow.
"What is it about?" I asked.

"Its about (y/n)..." said Chopper.
"Go on" i said.
"Well a few days ago she came into my office..."

"Hey Chopper..." said (y/n).
"Oh hi (y/n)" I said.
I looked at her and she looked really upset.

"Whats the matter" I ask.
She looked at me and sighed.
"Whenever I do anything my stomach hurts and it feels awful" she said.

I got her on the bed and checked the part she said it hurt.
I pressed on that spot which produced tears in her eyes.
I looked at her shocked.

I checked that spot again and again and looked though some of my books.
My face paled at what I found out.
"(y-y/n)" I say nervously.

She looks at me scared.
"Y-yeah?" she asked.
I looked at her and cried.

"I'm so sorry..." I say
"What do you mean whats wrong?!?" she asks.
"You only have a 25% of having kids and one of your ovaries aren't working properly" I say ashamed and sad.
She looks at me then starts crying.

"Its ok Chopper its not your fault...I can get through this" she said smiling and determined.
She then picked me up and hugged me.
"Thank you Chopper..." she says.


Luffy looked at me shocked same thing with Zoro and Sanji.
Then Luffy started laughing.
"Well then that means the adventure will be more fun now won't it?" he asked.
I looked at him then smiled then nodded.

I am upset that she doesn't have that big of a chance to have kids but oh well...
We can make it someway or another.

Alright minna thats all for now and I know that this chapter is kind of sad and all but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have a great day minna-san and BYE~

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