I Want Freedom

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I heard a voice talking to me in all of this pain.
But I knew if I listened to it it would get my hopes up.I looked down on the ground again.

I looked up again to see Tora looking at something and smirking.
Then she got out a whip and started to whip.
Sure, it did hurt but it dosen't hurt as much as (y/n) is feeling right now...

She stopped and then looked at me.
She smirked looking at my state.
"Look at you and your pathetic state" she smirked.

She then started to frown.
"You look so despicable how did she even choose you?!?" she said with her voice rising like a kite.
"W-What do you mean?" I asked with my breath hitched in my throat.
"I love her but she still chose you?!?!?" she yelled.

I blushed a deep red and my jaw dropped to the floor.
"Y-You like her?!?!?!" I asked confused.
She looked away blushing and nodded.

"WHY?!?!?!" I ask confused.
She sighed, "I'll tell you but i'm warning you that this is REALLY weird".

1 year ago~

I was on an island in my human form I was walking around until I ran into someone.
"Oof" the person exclaimed.
"Oh my gosh I-" I stared into her (e/c) eyes and her (h/l) (h/c) hair was flowing off of her.

I started to blush.
I helped her up and speed walked away.
"Hey wait up!!!!" The person yelled.

I turned around and my blush increased.
I stopped like she asked.
"Whats your name?" she asked.

"M-My name i-is Tora" I said stuttering and rubbing my neck.
"L-Look i'm sorry for running into you" I said adjusting my glasses.

( Luffy: you had glasses?

"Oh that pshh thats ok that always happens" she said.
"Hey do you want to get lunch?" she asked.
I blushed a little more and grudgingly nodded.

We ate and talked and got to know each other a little more.
I felt like I could tell her anything in the world.

"Hey (y/n) I need to tell you something" I said nervous.
"Sure" she said back.

"I...i'm bisexual..." I said.
She smiled at that and hugged me.

"Y-Your not shocked?!?!" I asked full of shock.

She shook her head in a no manner and smiled again.
"It dosen't matter no matter what you'll always be my friend and thats all that matters" she said hugging me.

I blushed but hugged back.
"Yeah...friends..." I said.

We met up at the restaurant we first ran into each other for lunch everyday.
And daily her smile and her jokes made me fall more in love with her...

We went to the top of a hill to watch the sunset.
"Tora i'm sorry to say but...i'm leaving in a few days" she frowned.
I felt my heart crash into a million places.

"w-Why?" I ask upset.
"Well like I told you I always wanted to be the Pirate Empress and to accomplish my dream I have to move on" she said giving a sad smile.
"Let me come with you!!!" I yelled.

She flinched at my sudden outburst.
"I-I'm sorry but if you go you may get hurt and I can't see my only friend get hurt" she frowned.
I started to cry.
I grabbed her head and smashed her lips onto mine.

Her eyes widened and pushed away from me.
"(y/n) I love you!!!" I cried.
"I-I'm s-so sorry Tora but I don't..." she said walked back slowly.

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