Part 28 - Throwback 5

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I think I had been living in Mirkwood for a long time. Maybe I and Legolas almost were teens? I do not remember, but this was the first time Legolas learned me how to shoot with a bow and arrow.

"Aspect? Aspect are you awake?," Legolas asked as he came into my room a morning. He did not knock, he just went right in, and the next thing I knew were him jumping in my bed. "No I want to sleep," I murmured to him. I had not slept well because of nightmares that night. "Come on! It is a beautiful morning! The sun is shining and the birds are singing! Let us go on a walk outside and I can learn you to shoot with the bow!," Legolas said happy as he stopped jumping and sat down beside me. "Give me ten minutes, I will meet you outside," I said as I got up. "Okay, see you there," Legolas said and jumped up from the bed before he went out the door.

Around ten minutes later I was running through the halls. I met an elf holding a basket full of apples, and as I ran past him I stole one. "Thank you!," I said as I ran to the door.

Outside Legolas stood and waited for me. "You used more than ten minutes," he said when he saw me. "How do you know?," I asked as I breathed heavily after the running. "I counted," Legolas smiled. "Of course you did," I laughed. "Did you steal an apple?," Legolas asked and looked at the apple I held in my hand. "An apple a day keeps the wolf away," I said as I took a bite. I and Legolas began to walk to where Legolas normally practiced bow- and arrow shooting. We laughed and talked as we walked.

"Here we are," Legolas said and stopped. It was a small field, with some few trees on. It was a few targets besides some of the trees. "You know what to do, do you not?," Legolas asked and looked at me. I nodded. He gave me his bow and an arrow, as we walked to the nearest target. "Try to shoot. I will correct you if you do something wrong," Legolas said and smiled to me when we got to the target. "Okay," I said as I put the arrow at the string of the bow and lifted it up. I stretched the bow to my chin, and pointed the arrow against the target. "Lift your right hand higher," Legolas said. I lifted it. "Not like this. Let me show you," Legolas said, and I felt him hold around me. He lifted my right hand and corrected a bit at my left hand. "Shoot," he said. I let the string go off my grip, and before I knew it the arrow were in the target. "Good, almost in the middle," Legolas said as I turned to face him. "Thank you," I said and smiled to him. He smiled back. "You know I can shoot with a bow?," I asked and laughed. "No, I didn't know," Legolas said and laughed with me. "Dad learned me," I said with sadness in my voice. "So why did you want to learn then?" Legolas looked me in the eyes. "Because I wanted to be with you, like alone with you." I smiled shy and looked him in the eyes too. "Well, we are alone now," Legolas said and smiled. I smiled back. "Yes we are." Legolas leaned towards me, and then our lips touched. It felt like it was fireworks inside my stomach. Everything with Legolas made me happy.

The rest of the day I and Legolas were outside, practicing arrow shooting and talked. When the sun was going down, were were on our way home, both tiered.
We got back to Mirkwood, but I did not go inside. I changed to wolf as Legolas went inside Mirkwood, going to bed.

I had been outside some few hours when I got back to Mirkwood. I was still a wolf, but I knew everyone was asleep so I did not scare anyone. I walked through the empty halls. When I got to my room, my door was not open. I tried to open it, but it was hard since I had paws and not hands. I looked around me and saw Legolas' door was a bit open. I went to the door, and pushed it with my nose so it opened, and I went inside. When I was inside Legolas' room, I went to his bed, jumped up to it and lay down beside Legolas with my head on his chest. I felt him lay his hand on my neck.
After a while I fell asleep with my head on Legolas' chest as he held around me.


I am almost finished with the first chapter of book 2😏

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