Apocalyptic Love pt. 22

669 14 0

Word Count: 1800+


Percy pulled out his gun. His finger hovered over the trigger. Jason was the first to see the gun. But soon Frank saw it also.
"Woah! What the fuck man!"
"Percy have you gone crazy!?"
"We just lost Hazel! And now you're going to shoot Frank!??"
Percy put the gun up to Frank's head.
Frank's eyes widened, but he stared directly into Percy's eyes.
Percy licked his lips and shifted the gun a little. A cold rush came over him.
"Did you know?" He asks in a low voice.
"Know what!?" Jason asks over Frank.
"Frank! Did you know!?" Percy shouts in anguish.
"Know what man!? That Hazel is dead?" Frank cries out.
Percy squeezed his eyes shut.

"You're bitten."

A collective gasp went through the group. Percy opened his eyes and watched as the others edged a little bit away from Frank.

"I'm...I'm bitten?" Frank's voice is shaky and quiet. His eyes well up with unshed tears.

"You-you didn't know?" Percy puts the gun down a little.
Frank shakes his head and bites his lip.
"I thought one of them had just teared at me or something! I never thought..."
Frank lifts his head and stares back into Percy's eyes.
Percy shifts his weight. His shoulders slump.
"Do it." Frank says to him. His voice is steady, and his gaze is unwavering.
"I will not turn into one of those things Percy. You know that. That's why you got the gun out in the first place."

Percy watches as Frank's composure disappears.

"And besides...I-I...I don't want to live in a world without Hazel. Not...not anymore." Tears fall from Frank's eyes.
Percy sucks in a breath.
"You know what I'm talking about Percy. I know how you felt when....I just..please...one of you..." Frank looks around at the others now.
Percy watches carefully as each of them turn away. He knows that he will have to be the one to do Frank one last favour...

But that doesn't mean he wants to do it.

Shakily, he raises the gun again. He positions it against Frank's forehead.
They stare at each other. Frank urges him on with his eyes.

"Please Percy."

A gunshot fires.



Hazel crumples at her feet. Annabeth steps back, breathing heavily. She shoves her now useless gun into her backpack. With the back of her hand, she wipes away the blood from her mouth.
More blood fills it's place.
Annabeth spits it out and stretches her neck. She knows the walkers are coming. She knows that they heard the gunshot. But she also knows that she had to use a bullet to kill Hazel. Because it was the most humane way.

Annabeth looks again at the limp body on the forest floor. Blood pours from the dead girl's nose and forehead. Her once beautiful brown skin has already turned a sickly green tone. Annabeth feels a pain like a punch to the gut when she sees Hazel's eyes.

When she had first met Hazel, she had instantly loved the girl's eyes. They were big and brown and seemed so full of love and joy. Which was something Annabeth so rarely saw nowadays.

But now they were overcome by that retched white mist.

The sign of the infected.

Annabeth turned away from Hazel and started walking towards the tree line.
She didn't look back.

(Ayyee whadda PJO reference)

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