Apocalyptic Love pt. 8

884 25 3

Word Count: 2300+


"Climb!" I hiss, pushing him towards the tree Rachel's corpse is slumped against.
He stumbles, almost dropping the bag. He catches himself.
"You go first." He says, pulling the bag over his shoulders.

He grabs his gun and loads it.
"Get your stubborn ass up the tree. I can climb a lot faster than you, so just go!"

Percy looks at me, hesitating. I glare at him and he complies. He awkwardly finds a foot hole, his hand moves towards a small nook in the tree.
I turn away from him and look around.

The trees aren't very close together, except for the occasional pair. If it was just me, I could easily fly through the trees to escape but Percy is here as well.
He may be amazing with a gun but he still has his limits. Just as I have- as I'm about to find out.

I see the first of the herd. They're spread out, starting to circle around. To trap us. 
I note quickly how some of the walkers continue on, advancing past our location mindlessly. Not all of them have seen me. I spare a glance at Percy. I'm surprised to see that he's over half-way.

Another minute and he'll be out of reach. I doubt we'll have that much time before they're upon us though.

"Annabeth! Start climbing!" Percy yells over his shoulder. That idiot is going to get himself killed.
"I am! Just get up another few metres!" I yell louder. I smirk when the walkers turn their attention on me.

That's it. Come this way.

The chorus of groaning gets louder and louder, a certain rhythm occurring. Almost like a chant.

"Just a little closer..." I say to myself. I watch as the walkers move as one. Their feet drag, leaving trails in the dirt behind them. Blood flows from missing limbs. Intestines uncoil from the walker closest to me.
It's jaw slacks open, it's misty eyes are attuned in my direction.

"That's it..."

I pull my knife from my belt and hold it tightly in right hand. I hold my gun in my left.
I point the gun at the walker with uncoiling intestines. It falls when the bullet bursts its brain.

Three walkers trip over it, groaning and crawling helplessly along the ground.

All the walkers now have their attention on me, no longer on Percy.
"Step one complete. Now for step two."

I shoot two more walkers. They fall, pulling down other walkers with them.
I put my gun away and put my knife in my mouth. I hold its blade with my teeth, giving me access to both my hands. I turn to the tree behind me, the one across from Percy, and start to climb it.

I scale it with ease. Grabbing branches, and quickly using my knife to make small holes where needed.
With my feet planted on one branch, I leap, grasping for a branch above my head. I grab it with both my hand and pray that it holds my weight. I pull myself up onto the branch, my legs swinging over it.

I hear gunshots.

Percy must have finally made it to a sturdy branch. I feel the tree shift. I look down and see walkers scraping against it.
They push at it, desperately trying to get at the food they haven't seen in so long.
Another walker falls at the base of the tree.

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