Apocalytpic Love pt. 12

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A/N: It's been way too long so I wrote a long(ish) chapter.
Warning: swearing, and possible fluff.

Word count: 2200+


It was a dangerous time of night when we got back.

We walk over the hill, the compound looming in front of us.
Percy inhales and looks over at me.
"When we go out for the supplies we'll need better resources."

"And a lot more sleep. Well you will anyway. I'll be fine."

"Nah, I hardly sleep anyway." He says.

I give him a side-long glance.
He pales and looks away when he realises what he said.

I decide to drop it, not pressuring him.
His comment gets at me. He's safe inside the compound but he doesn't sleep? How does that work?

"They're not going to like shoot on sight or anything are they?" I ask, eyeing the windows of the compound.

"Nah. It's a rule to not shoot a couple lone walkers. It would just draw more in. So even if they mistook us for walkers...they're not allowed to shoot." I nod.
"Smart rule."
Percy smirks.
"Told you I wasn't dumb."
"I never said you were." I say back. Percy looks at me and gives me a small smile.
"You're just really thick sometimes." I add on, quickening my pace.

"Hey!" He whisper-yells, running slightly to catch up.

I turn around and grin at him.
He sees the grin and laughs.
"I told you I would get you to smile!" He says triumphantly.

I open my mouth to answer but I never get the chance.

There's a loud bang. I flinch at the noise and cry out when there's a searing pain in my arm. The force of the bullet pushes me down to my knees.
I grasp at the bullet wound and put pressure on it.
Percy runs to me and drops in front of me.

He moves my hand away from the wound and puts his hands on it instead. I gasp as he puts pressure on it, attempting to staunch the flow of blood.

"I thought you said they don't shoot."
Percy looks over my shoulder and at the compound.
"Something's wrong. They aren't supposed to..."
I hiss when he shifts his fingers a little. He mumbles an apology.
"S'alright." I say back.
"Can you move?" He asks me.
I glare at him.
"I got shot in the arm not the leg." I say.
Percy laughs half-heartedly.
"Yes but you still got shot." He leans close to my face and looks into my eyes.
I stare back at him, getting lost in his swirling green eyes.

He leans forward and my heart quickens.
He rests his forehead against mine. I sigh and lean back against him. My strength slowly leaves me. My arm becomes numb. I can no longer feel my fingers.

"You don't have to pretend when you're around me Wise Girl. I'm going to help you."
I kiss his nose and lean back.
He blushes furiously. And I smirk at him.
He coughs and looks over my shoulder. The colour leaves his cheeks.
"Someone's opened the compound. Come on."

He helps me up, keeping pressure on my arm. Percy squints through the darkness, at the figure approaching us.
"I think it's Thal-"

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu