Apocalyptic Love pt. 21

679 15 1

Word count: 750+


Frank hobbled along slowly, his face screwed up in agony. He didn't seem to know where he was going, but he still moved forward.
His hand was clamped over his arm.

Percy hoped he wasn't concealing a bite.

Percy tore his eyes from Frank, knowing that the others would alert him to their presence in the tree. He squinted, looking between trees. There were three possible scenarios to occur from this. Either, Frank had been followed by walkers, followed by Annabeth or not followed at all.
A lump formed in his throat. What happened to Hazel? And where was Annabeth?

"Frank! Up here!" Piper whisper-yells.

Startled, Frank looks upwards, his eyes instantly spotting them. He shows a small amount of relief, but it quickly disappears. He looks down, and begins climbing the tree.

Percy's eyes flit to where Frank had been holding earlier. There was blood soaking around the boy's forearm. Percy's hand slowly went towards his gun.
The others didn't notice, instead they pulled Frank up higher, settling him on a branch.

"Where's Hazel?" Piper asks, immediately voicing everyone's internal question.

Frank swallows hard and looks down at his fingers. They are covered in dried blood and dirt. He rings his fingers as his eyes fill with tears.
"She-she-she fell." He voices softly.

Percy's eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

"What do you mean she fell?" Percy asks, not thinking before speaking.
"She-she got shot....by one..one of the guards."
Everyone goes silent in horror.
"The walkers...came..." Frank continues, "...I tried to kill-kill them all. I dropped down..from the tree...and started slashing at them."
Frank's eyes close. One single tear rolls down his cheek, making a path through the grime.
"They kept coming. Hazel..Hazel went quiet. I would have-I...I would have-"
He stops, putting a hand over his mouth.
Percy sucks in a breath, looking at the others.
Nico and Thalia have both guarded their expressions. Piper and Grover are crying. Jason was staring into space. And Leo was on the brink of tears.
Percy knew that he would have to be the one to prompt Frank. Although his heart broke...he had to find out what had happened.

"You would have...what?"

Frank stops silently sobbing and looks straight into my eyes.

"I would have died if it weren't for Annabeth."

Percy's stomach does a flip. Annabeth had been with Frank and Hazel.
But...Frank was the only one here.

"What do you mean?" Grover suddenly asks, finding his voice.
Percy couldn't find his own.

"She was suddenly there, taking down walker after walker. There was blood all over her face and arms. She..just kept stabbing them without a second thought....her hair was wild and her eyes...she killed the walkers. But more were coming." Frank inhales a deep, but shuddery breath.
"She grabbed Hazel...and was pulling her along for a while- telling me to watch for walkers...when-when she...when she suddenly dropped Hazel."

Everyone listened intently. They all somehow knew the ending to this story...but they still needed to hear it. For themselves.

"She cried out and pulled her gun out."

Piper gasps in shock. Percy nods and turns his head away. He now knows what happens to Hazel. He caught on before all of the others.

"Hazel...Ha-Hazel was bitten. Annabeth looked over at me and told me to leave. There were walkers coming right up behind us, so she put her gun away and grabbed her knife. She yelled at me...screamed even. She said that I had to tell the others to run."

"That Hazel was bitten and was going to turn." Frank stops, looking up at Percy once more.

"She also told me that she wasn't going to let Hazel turn. She only had one bullet left in her gun. And..and- and she's going to shoot Hazel. So none of us have to. And-and- an- I- I can't...."
Frank finally breaks down. Sobs rack his body, and he tries to claw the blood off of his hands.
Percy has no doubt that it's Hazel's blood.
"It's-it's my fault!" He sobs over and over.
Percy moves towards him and slings an arm around his shoulders.

"We-we have to get out of this tree." Jason says numbly.

Percy's attention isn't on him though.

It's on Frank. And the deep teeth marks  shining on his arm.

A/N: Aaaaaaaannndddd I'm evil.

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