Drown in Fate pt. 1

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Percabeth AU- Percy and Annabeth are not demigods.


It was four years to this day since I had last seen that girl with bouncing princess curls. I was 15 then, a stupid 15 year-old who had no idea how to talk to pretty girls and dam was she pretty. I was volunteering at the beach for a lifeguard duty. (Mum had wanted me out of the house and helping people). It was a summer afternoon, with blue skies and a perfect breeze. The water temperature just right for getting your feet wet.
Considering it was summer holidays, heaps of people were at the beach but not so many that it was necessarily crowded. There were kids splashing in the shallow waves, with surfers around near the deep water. I was sitting up in the lifeguard shack, feet up with a cold drink beside me.
"Looking good out there." Blake, the senior lifeguard, says besides me putting the binoculars down.
I take a drink out of my cup and scan the water. I squint when I get to one part of the water, just outside the flags. There's two people floundering around in the water, one has their hand up in the air, waving it crazily. Behind them is a dark shape.
"Oh shit." I say, grabbing the binoculars. I look through them and my suspicions are confirmed.
"Evacuate the beach! Shark sighting!" I yell to Blake, before grabbing my gear and running out of the shack, running across the sand as quickly as I can. I hear Blake's voice over the loud speaker urging people out of the water. A quick glance and I can already see everybody panicking. Parents run to grab their kids, surfers swim back to shore as quick as they can, a couple abandoning their boards.
I get to the place I had seen the shark and squint against the sun. Out of all the times I forget sunglasses!
I start to run through the waves, fear causing my heart to race. There are two girls in the water, one tall with curly blond hair, the other short with brown hair. The girls are about 10 meters away from me. I watch as the tall girl looks down frantically. She grabs the other girl and pushes her towards shore.
"Just keep swimming!" She yells at her, as she begins to make her way back to shore herself. The brown haired girl seems to be a faster swimmer than the other girl, she is now about 5m away from me. I continue wading through the water, almost able to swim instead of awkwardly run. The brown haired girl is now 2m away from me. I look behind her and almost stop abruptly. I can no longer see the other girl. I glance around the water quickly, still making my way towards where I saw her last. I reach the brown haired girl.
I see the tears streaming down her cheeks.
"My f-friend- s-s-shark!!" I grip her shoulders to stop her from looking back.
"Make your way to the lifeguard shack. I'll bring your friend there."
I push her behind me and towards shore. I see Blake and I signal to him to take her to the shack. He nods and makes his way towards her. I look forwards again. I no longer see the shark but it could still be around. I grip onto my gear, pushing it around my shoulder so I have both hands free. I bob up and down as a wave pushes me back a little. I continue swimming when another wave goes past me. I get to the place I had last seen the girl, and twist around in the water.
My breathing becomes short and shallow when I see something no lifeguard wants to see...blood.
I dive under the water and open my eyes, ignoring the stinging. I see the girl, and I swim towards her.
I grasp onto her arm and push her towards the surface.
When I resurface, I put an arm under her shoulder and begin to swim back to shore. I look at the girl, and hope to God that she's going to be okay.
Her eyes stay closed, her fringe plastered to her forehead. Her skin pales. I look behind us and see a small trail of blood through the water.
She must have been bitten somewhere low down. As I reach the shallower waters, I pick her up, my arms under her knees and back. I start to run to shore when I hear an ambulance siren.
I look at her quickly and see blood dripping from her leg. The blood is pouring out from each individual puncture that the shark made.
I hoist her up a little higher and run faster. The crowd has its attention on me.
I reach the sand but don't stop running just yet. I see paramedics running towards me and the girl.
I sink down to my knees and lay her down. I put pressure on her leg.
"Ma'am can you hear me?" I ask, leaning down to see if she's breathing. I sigh in relief when I hear small breaths.
"Can you open your eyes for me sweet heart?" I ask, glancing up to see that the paramedics are almost here.
Her eyes open. I look at them as I say,
"You're going to be okay. Help is coming."
Her eyes are a stormy grey, that seem to swirl and become more intense every second.
"My friend-" she starts.
"Is fine." I say.
"What's your name?" I ask.
She looks at me weakly and I feel my shoulders becoming limp as I see her eyes becoming dull.
"Just hang on. You'll be fine. You're safe now." I lift her head up, her bouncy curls falling around my hand, the edges touching the sand.
Her eyes close and she's taken away from me as the paramedics desperately try to get her to breathe again.

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